PyTorch implementation of the WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space (ICCV 2021)


WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space

Authors official PyTorch implementation of the WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear RBF paths in GAN latent space (ICCV 2021). If you use this code for your research, please cite our paper.


In this work, we try to discover non-linear interpretable paths in GAN latent space. For doing so, we model non-linear paths using RBF-based warping functions, which by warping the latent space, endow it with vector fields (their gradients). We use the latter to traverse the latent space across the paths determined by the aforementioned vector fields for any given latent code.

WarpedGANSpace Overview

Each warping function is defined by a set of N support vectors (a "support set") and its gradient is given analytically as shown above. For a given warping function fk and a given latent code z, we traverse the latent space as illustrated below:

Non-linear interpretable path

Each warping function gives rise to a family of non-linear paths. We learn a set of such warping functions (implemented by the *Warping Network*), i.e., a set of such non-linear path families, so as they are distinguishable to each other; that is, the image transformations that they produce should be easily distinguishable be a discriminator network (the *Reconstructor*). An overview of the method is given below.

WarpedGANSpace Overview


We recommend installing the required packages using python's native virtual environment. For Python 3.4+, this can be done as follows:

$ python -m venv warped-gan-space
$ source warped-gan-space/bin/activate
(warped-gan-space) $ pip install --upgrade pip
(warped-gan-space) $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Prerequisite pretrained models

Download the prerequisite pretrained models (i.e., GAN generators, face detector, pose estimator, etc.) as follows:

$ python	

This will create a directory models/pretrained with the following sub-directories (~3.2GiB):

├── generators/
├── arcface/
├── fairface/
├── hopenet/
└── sfd/


For training a WarpedGANSpace model you need to use (check its basic usage by running python -h).

For example, in order to train a WarpedGANSpace model on the ProgGAN pre-trained (on CelebA) generator for discovering K=128 interpretable paths (latent warping functions) with N=32 support dipoles each (i.e., 32 pairs of bipolar RBFs) run the following command:

python -v --gan-type=ProgGAN --reconstructor-type=ResNet --learn-gammas --num-support-sets=128 --num-support-dipoles=32 --min-shift-magnitude=0.15 --max-shift-magnitude=0.25 --batch-size=8 --max-iter=200000

In the example above, batch size is set to 8 and the training will be conducted for 200000 iterations. Minimum and maximum shift magnitudes are set to 0.15 and 0.25, respectively (please see Sect. 3.2 in the paper for more details). A set of auxiliary training scripts (for all available GAN generators) can be found under scripts/train/.

The training script will create a directory with the following name format:


E.g., ProgGAN-ResNet-K128-N128-LearnGammas-eps0.15_0.25, under experiments/wip/ while training is in progress, which after training completion, will be copied under experiments/complete/. This directory has the following structure:

├── models/
├── tensorboard/
├── args.json
├── stats.json

where models/ contains the weights for the reconstructor ( and the support sets ( While training is in progress (i.e., while this directory is found under experiments/wip/), the corresponding models/ directory contains a checkpoint file ( containing the last iteration, and the weights for the reconstructor and the support sets, so as to resume training. Re-run the same command, and if the last iteration is less than the given maximum number of iterations, training will resume from the last iteration. This directory will be referred to as EXP_DIR for the rest of this document.


After a WarpedGANSpace is trained, the corresponding experiment's directory (i.e., EXP_DIR) can be found under experiments/complete/. The evaluation of the model includes the following steps:

  • Latent space traversals For a given set of latent codes, we first generate images for all K paths (warping functions) and save the traversals (path latent codes and generated image sequences).
  • Attribute space traversals In the case of facial images (i.e., ProgGAN and StyleGAN2), for the latent traversals above, we calculate the corresponding attribute paths (i.e., facial expressions, pose, etc.).
  • Interpretable paths discovery and ranking [To Appear Soon]

Before calculating latent space traversals, you need to create a pool of latent codes/images for the corresponding GAN type. This can be done using The name of the pool can be passed using --pool; if left empty will be used instead. The pool of latent codes/images will be stored under experiments/latent_codes/ / . We will be referring to it as a POOL for the rest of this document.

For example, the following command will create a pool named ProgGAN_4 under experiments/latent_codes/ProgGAN/:

python -v --gan-type=ProgGAN --num-samples=4

Latent space traversals

Latent space traversals can be calculated using the script (please check its basic usage by running -h) for a given model and a given POOL.

Attribute space traversals

[To Appear Soon]

Interpretable paths discovery and ranking

[To Appear Soon]


[1] Christos Tzelepis, Georgios Tzimiropoulos, and Ioannis Patras. WarpedGANSpace: Finding non-linear rbf paths in gan latent space. IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2021.

Bibtex entry:

  title={{WarpedGANSpace}: Finding non-linear {RBF} paths in {GAN} latent space},
  author={Tzelepis, Christos and Tzimiropoulos, Georgios and Patras, Ioannis},
  booktitle={IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},


This research was supported by the EU's Horizon 2020 programme H2020-951911 AI4Media project.

Christos Tzelepis
Postdoctoral research associate at Queen Mary University of London | MultiMedia & Vision Research Group (MMV Group).
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