Bigdata Simulation Library Of Dream By Sandman Books

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Solution Architecture



In the realm of Dreaming, its ruler SANDMAN, DREAM has a certain hobby; books. In his castle there is a Library in which they are kept, among other things, stories conceived by their authors but never written in our reality; Lucien, the person responsible for his organization, needs some help. Many people dream of published books, sales markets, stories that, in their reality, they would never imagine conceiving. And this voluminous data needs to be worked on. In order not to get lost in the information, Lucien receives all his dreams in a Non-Relational bank, MONGO. And he needs this to be organized in a relational way, that is, each author in his proper place. For that he pulled our dream and saw this Architecture where data arrives in MONGO undergo a transformation process in the STAGIN area and are populated in MYSQL. In its population, we split two final tables. One in its raw state, for complete queries, and another with metrics that informs the number of dreamers, their books and the total number of files. In this way, data is more organized, undergoing deduplication and consolidation processes.

Glossary of Data

Fields Type Description
_id long undescore ID
kind string type of book or text file
title string title of book
subtitle string subtitle of book
author array one or more authors who can dream of stories
publisher string publisher or not dreamed of by the author
publishedDate string year of published
edition string which edition does the book belong to
sample string sample of books
type string ISBN code
identifier string isbn identification number
pageCount integer number of pages
capCount integer number of chapters
wordCount integer number of words
categories string literary genre
original_price double original price
current_prefix string country currency prefix
current_sufix string country currency name
barcode string barcode
dreaming_date string the day you had the dream



Start the Project

To run the project, you need to install the dependencies located in the "dependencies" folder and in the root of the project, run the shell_script "".

Sample of Payload MONGO


        "_id" : ObjectId("61b1fe6944dd42158674af31"),
        "kind" : "books#volume",
        "volumeInfo" : {
                "title" : "STORE VISIT",
                "author" : [
                        "PETER RODRIGUEZ",
                        "KELLY TORRES"
        "publisher" : "FALL AWAY ABOUT INDEPENDENT",
        "publishedDate" : "1994",
        "edition" : "7º EDITION",
        "sample" : "...onto sport room audience. page dinner hundred. week statement should watch she even ball.\nour able tv break defense seek baby. employee last around music produce reach tv..",
        "industryIdentifiers" : [
                        "type" : "ISBN_10",
                        "identifier" : "1-55027-208-X"
                        "type" : "ISBN_10",
                        "identifier" : "0-405-30324-6"
        "pageCount" : 796,
        "wordCount" : 83331,
        "capCount" : 14,
        "categories" : [
        "saleInfo" : {
                "original_price" : 78,
                "current_prefix" : "LAK",
                "current_sufix" : "Lao kip",
                "barcode" : "6747254889534"

Sample of Payload in MYSQL


_id  |kind        |title                                                           |subtitle                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |author                                       |publisher                               |publishedDate|edition   |sample                                                                                                                                                                                                     |type   |identifier       |pageCount|wordCount|capCount|categories               |original_price|current_prefix|current_sufix              |barcode      |dreaming_date|
  670|csv#volume  |GOOD DETERMINE OF                                               |DON'T HAVE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |KAREN ODOM                                   |DARK WAR INDEPENDENT                    |1982         |9º EDITION|...involve star apply later including truth. next while nor worry staff economic.¶condition region write college. return half offer. popular could direction above fish..                                  |ISBN_10|978-1-4340-7508-6|      479|    64333|      11|EPISTOLARY NOVEL         |          97.0|BHD           |Bahraini dinar             |3894426059691|     20211209|


metric          |value|
Total of Dreamns|71395|
Total of Books  |59154|
Total of Data   |78000|
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