Azion the best solution of Edge Computing in the world.


Azion Edge Function docker action

Create or update an Edge Functions on Azion Edge Nodes.

The domain name is the key for decision to a create or update an Edge Function, then if the domain name is already on use by an Edge Function, the function will be updated.

API Inputs


Required Authentication method

Create your free account on Azion site to use this action.

For authentication you can use Basic or Token methods.

Details how to create your Token or generate a base64 for Basic method, please visit Token authorization ensure more secure method than Basic, tokens are valid up to 24 hours, generate other token if it's expired.

  • For Basic method use in this input “Authorization: Basic ”
    • For example: “Authorization: Basic dXNlckdBabn1hiW46cGFzc3dvcmQK”
  • For Token method use in this input "Authorization: TOKEN[YOUR TOKEN HERE]"
    • For example: "Authorization: TOKEN[455SAFafa#$sfdsf789aswas23casf3=]


Required Configuration file with Azion Edge Functions details

In the action.yaml file, you have the configuration example please fill with your own data:

  • name: name of your Edge Function
  • path: path and filename with the source code using JavaScript language.
  • domain: your domain, maybe a CNAME record
  • args: parameters for use in the edge function at runtime, the argument name and value of each argument used on the JavaScript code.
    • arg1 "first argument name" : "value of first argument"
    • arg2 "second argument name" : "value of second argument"
    • arg..N "N argument" : "value of N argument"
  • path_uri: the URI path of your edge function
  • active: boolean that control if your Edge Function is active or not, domain values (true|false). Your function is only accessible when it is active true.



URI of the edge function deployed.

You could use this URI, ir necessary you can create a CNAME at your DNS. For local use and testing, you can change your /etc/hosts for your domain.

Example usage on Github Action

File available

uses: actions/[email protected]
  azion-auth: "Authorization: TOKEN[455SAFafa#$sfdsf789aswas23casf3=]
  config: 'function1.yaml'

Example of configuration file

Edit the action.yaml file, containing the details of your edge functions at Azion.

Don't change the edge_functions name, and name parameters but instead just complete with desired values. The exception is for args, when you need to change the arg names and arg values.

    path: "example/src/messages.js"
    domain: ""
    name: "Function Hello World Azion"
      arg1: "value1"
      arg2: "value2"
    path_uri: "/api/messages/"
    active: "true"

More details on Azion site

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