This repository provides data for the VAW dataset as described in the CVPR 2021 paper titled "Learning to Predict Visual Attributes in the Wild"


Visual Attributes in the Wild (VAW)

This repository provides data for the VAW dataset as described in the CVPR 2021 Paper:

Learning to Predict Visual Attributes in the Wild

Khoi Pham, Kushal Kafle, Zhihong Ding, Zhe Lin, Quan Tran, Scott Cohen, Abhinav Shrivastava

VAW Main Image

Dataset Setup

Our VAW dataset is partly based on the annotations in the GQA and the VG-PhraseCut datasets.
Therefore, the images in the VAW dataset come from the Visual Genome dataset which is also the source of the images in the GQA and the VG-Phrasecut datasets. This section outlines the annotation format and basic statistics of our dataset.

Annotation Format

The annotations are found in data/train_part1.json, data/train_part2.json , data/val.json and data/test.json for train (split into two parts to circumvent github file-size limit) , validation and test splits in the VAW dataset respectively. The files consist of the following fields:

image_id: int (Image ids correspond to respective Visual Genome image ids)
instance_id: int (Unique instance ID)
instance_bbox: [x, y, width, height] (Bounding box co-ordinates for the instance)
instance_polygon: list of [x y] (List of vertices for segmentation polygon if exists else None)
object_name: str (Name of the object for the instance)
positive_attributes: list of str (Explicitly labeled positive attributes for the instance)
negative_attributes: list of str (Explicitly labeled negative attributes for the instance)

Download Images

The images can be downloaded from the Visual Genome website. The image_id field in our dataset corresponds to respective image ids in the v1.4 in the Visual Genome dataset.

Explore Data and View Live Demo

Head over to our accompanying website to explore the dataset. The website allows exploration of the VAW dataset by filtering our annotations by objects, positive attributes, or negative attributes in the train/val set. The website also shows interactive demo for our SCoNE algorithm as described in our paper.

Dataset Statistics

Basic Stats

Detail Stat
Number of Instances 260,895
Number of Total Images 72,274
Number of Unique Attributes 620
Number of Object Categories 2260
Average Annotation per Instance (Overall) 3.56
Average Annotation per Instance (Train) 3.02
Average Annotation per Instance (Val) 7.03


The evaluation script is provided in eval/ We also provide eval/ as an example to show how to use the evaluation script. In particular, expects as input the followings:

  1. fpath_pred: path to the numpy array pred of your model prediction (shape (n_instances, n_class)). pred[i,j] is the predicted probability for attribute class j of instance i. We provide eval/pred.npy as a sample for this, which is the output of our best model (last row of table 2) in the paper.
  2. fpath_label: path to the numpy array gt_label that contains the groundtruth label of all instances in the test set (shape (n_instances, n_class)). gt_label[i,j] equals 1 if instance i is labeled positive with attribute j, equals 0 if it is labeled negative with attribute j, and equals 2 if it is unlabeled for attribute j. We provide eval/gt_label.npy as a sample for this, which we have created from data/test.json.
  3. Other files in folder data which have been set with default values in eval/

From the eval folder, run the evaluation script as follows:

python --fpath_pred pred.npy --fpath_label gt_label.npy

We recently updated the grouping of attributes, So, there is a small discrepancy between the scores of our eval/pred.npy versus the numbers reported in the paper on each attribute group. A detailed attribute-wise breakdown will also be saved in a format shown in eval/output_detailed.txt.


Please cite our CVPR 2021 paper if you use the VAW dataset or the SCoNE algorithm in your work.

    author    = {Pham, Khoi and Kafle, Kushal and Lin, Zhe and Ding, Zhihong and Cohen, Scott and Tran, Quan and Shrivastava, Abhinav},
    title     = {Learning To Predict Visual Attributes in the Wild},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {13018-13028}

Disclaimer and Contact

This dataset contains objects labeled with a variety of attributes, including those applied to people. Datasets and their use are the subject of important ongoing discussions in the AI community, especially datasets that include people, and we hope to play an active role in those discussions. If you have any feedback regarding this dataset, we welcome your input at [email protected]

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