Source codes of CenterTrack++ in 2021 ICME Workshop on Big Surveillance Data Processing and Analysis


MOT Tracked object bounding box association (CenterTrack++)

New association method based on CenterTrack. Two new branches (Tracked Size and IOU) are added onto the original CenterTrack tracker. The proposed method enables the computation of IOU distance matrix for more accurate object association compared to single displacement offset in the original CenterTrack.

Modification to CenterTrack method, image modified from CenterTrack


The recent development of multi-object tracking (MOT) on point-based joint detection and tracking methods has attracted much research attention. CenterTrack tracking algorithm is one of such promising methods. It achieves state-of-the-art tracking performance using a simple detection model and single-frame spatial offsets to localize objects and predict their associations in a single network. However, this method still suffers from high identity switches due to the inferior association method. Only point displacement distance matrix is used to associate objects, which is not robust to deal with occlusion scenarios. To reduce the high number of identity switches and improve the tracking accuracy, more effective spatial information should be used in association. In this paper, we propose to incorporate a simple tracked object bounding box and overlapping prediction based on the current frame onto the CenterTrack algorithm. Specifically, we propose a Intersection over Union (IOU) distance cost matrix in the association step instead of point displacement distance. We evaluate our proposed tracker on the MOT17 test dataset, showing that our proposed method can reduce identity switches significantly by 22.6% and obtain a notable improvement of 1.5% in IDF1 compared to the original CenterTrack’s under the same tracklet lifetime.

Main Contributions

  • Proposed two branches (tracked box size and IOU)on top of the existing CenterTrack method for IOU distance metric computation in object association
  • Evaluation the proposed method on MOT17 dataset and obtain significant reduction in IDs and notable improvements in tracking accuracy score

Two new branches

The idea of the proposed method is to enhance the original displacement only association. Inspired by the IOU distance in SORT and IOU-Tracker, IOU distance can be used for more accurate object association across frames. IOU distance is calculated as 1 - IOU(bounding box of detected object in the previous frame and the predicted tracked object bounding box in the previous frame based on the current frame)

Tracked Object Size prediction

In order to obtain the IOU distance, the bounding box of the tracked object in the previous frame should be learnt. In this project, two methods were used to learn the tracked bounding box.

Tracking_wh: Directly learn the width and height of the tracked object bounding box in the previous frame.

Tracking_ltrb: Learn the offsets of the left, top, right and bottom of bounding box from the tracked object center in the previous frame.

The tracking_wh(left) and tracking_ltrb(right) approach illustration.

IOU prediction

To further suppress inaccurate association, the IOU value of the tracked object bounding box in adjacent frames is learnt to provide a threshold to filter unlikely associations. We would set the IOU distance to infinity if IOU distance > IOU.

Association Method

Main results

Comparison with other SOTA tracker on MOT17 test set

Note: S= Spatial features, A=appearance features

Tracker Association Features MOTA IDF1 IDs
TubeTK S 63 58.6 4137
CenterTrack S 67.8 64.7 3039
Ours S 68.1 66.2 2352
SST A 52.4 49.5 8431
CTrackerV1 S+A 66.6 57.4 5529
DEFT S+A 66.6 65.4 2823
FairMOT S+A 73.7 72.3 3303

Ablative studies on tracked size prediction method


Association Method IDF1 MOTA IDs FP(%) FN(%)
DIS 69.2 66.2 219 3.9 29.5
IOU 71.1 66.7 204 3.6 29.3
Combined 70.9 66.2 233 3.9 29.6
DIS→IOU 70 66.2 218 3.9 29.5
IOU→DIS 69.8 66.8 185 3.6 29.2


Association Method IDF1 MOTA IDs FP(%) FN(%)
DIS 69.2 66.2 219 3.9 29.5
IOU 72.4 66.7 191 3.8 29.2
Combined 70.8 66.5 236 3.8 29.3
DIS→IOU 70.5 66.6 202 3.8 29.2
IOU→DIS 71.4 66.7 166 3.8 29.2


Please refer to for installation instructions.

Training and Evaluation

  • Download the crowdhuman pretrained model from xinyizhou/CenterTrack MODEL to models
  • prepare the data and convert it into COCO format refer to the original CenterTrack repo.
  • change the dataset root directory data_dir in
  • ablative studies for tracking_wh and tracking_ltrb approach respectively with five association method (IOU,DIS,Combined, IOU→DIS, DIS→IOU)
sh experiments/

sh experiments/

The trained model on MOT17val dataset using two approach are available in google drive, tracking_ltrb_70val.pth, tracking_wh_70val.pth.

  • Train on full mot17 training set and run model on the test set for evaluation
sh experiments/

The trained models on full MOT17 dataset using ltrb approach is available in the google drive.

Demo comparison

Occlusion case

Original CenterTrack (left) vs CenterTrack++ (right)

Object exiting the frame

Original CenterTrack (left) vs CenterTrack++ (right)


A large part of the code is adapted from xingyizhou/CenterTrack, thanks for their wonderful inspiration.


If you find this paper and code useful in your research, please cite our papers.

      title={Multi-object Tracking with Tracked Object Bounding Box Association}, 
      author={Nanyang Yang and Yi Wang and Lap-Pui Chau},
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