This is a Deep Leaning API for classifying emotions from human face and human audios.


Emotion AI

This is a Deep Leaning API for classifying emotions from human face and human audios.


Starting the server

To start the server first you need to install all the packages used by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt
# make sure your current directory is "server"

After that you can start the server by running the following commands:

  1. change the directory from server to api:
cd api
  1. run the

The server will start at a default PORT of 3001 which you can configure in the api/ on the Config class:

class AppConfig:
    PORT = 3001
    DEBUG = False

If everything went well you will be able to make api request to the server.


Consist of two parallel models that are trained with different model architectures to save different task. The one is for audio classification and the other is for facial emotion classfication. Each model is served on a different endpoint but on the same server.

Audio Classification

Sending an audio file to the server at using the POST method we will be able to get the data that looks as follows as the json response from the server:

  "predictions": {
    "emotion": { "class": "sad", "label": 3, "probability": 0.22 },
    "emotion_intensity": { "class": "normal", "label": 0, "probability": 0.85 },
    "gender": { "class": "male", "label": 0, "probability": 1.0 }
  "success": true

Classifying audios

  1. Using cURL

To classify the audio using cURL make sure that you open the command prompt where the audio files are located for example in my case the audios are located in the audios folder so i open the command prompt in the audios folder or else i will provide the absolute path when making a cURL request for example

curl -X POST -F [email protected]

If everything went well we will get the following response from the server:

  "predictions": {
    "emotion": { "class": "sad", "label": 3, "probability": 0.22 },
    "emotion_intensity": { "class": "normal", "label": 0, "probability": 0.85 },
    "gender": { "class": "male", "label": 0, "probability": 1.0 }
  "success": true
  1. Using Postman client

To make this request with postman we do it as follows:

  • Change the request method to POST at
  • Click on form-data
  • Select type to be file on the KEY attribute
  • For the KEY type audio and select the audio you want to predict under value Click send
  • If everything went well you will get the following response depending on the audio you have selected:
  "predictions": {
    "emotion": { "class": "sad", "label": 3, "probability": 0.22 },
    "emotion_intensity": { "class": "normal", "label": 0, "probability": 0.85 },
    "gender": { "class": "male", "label": 0, "probability": 1.0 }
  "success": true
  1. Using JavaScript fetch api.

  2. First you need to get the input from html

  3. Create a formData object

  4. make a POST requests

res.json()) .then((data) => console.log(data));">
const input = document.getElementById("input").files[0];
let formData = new FormData();
formData.append("audio", input);
fetch("", {
  method: "POST",
  body: formData,
  .then((res) => res.json())
  .then((data) => console.log(data));

If everything went well you will be able to get expected response.

  "predictions": {
    "emotion": { "class": "sad", "label": 3, "probability": 0.22 },
    "emotion_intensity": { "class": "normal", "label": 0, "probability": 0.85 },
    "gender": { "class": "male", "label": 0, "probability": 1.0 }
  "success": true


If you want to see how the models were trained you can open the respective notebooks:

  1. Audio Classification
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