Official implementation of the paper "Light Field Networks: Neural Scene Representations with Single-Evaluation Rendering"


Light Field Networks

Project Page | Paper | Data | Pretrained Models

Vincent Sitzmann*, Semon Rezchikov*, William Freeman, Joshua Tenenbaum, Frédo Durand
MIT, *denotes equal contribution

This is the official implementation of the paper "Light Field Networks: Neural Scene Representations with Single-Evaluation Rendering".


Get started

You can set up a conda environment with all dependencies like so:

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate siren

High-Level structure

The code is organized as follows:

  • and contain the dataio for mutliclass- and single-class experiments respectively.
  • contains the code for light field networks.
  • contains a generic training routine.
  • ./experiment_scripts/ contains scripts to reproduce experiments in the paper.

Reproducing experiments

The directory experiment_scripts contains one script per experiment in the paper. trains a model on classes in the Scene Representation Networks format, such as cars or chairs. Note that since these datasets have a resolution of 128, this model starts with a lower resolution (64) and then increases the resolution to 128 (see line 43 in the script). trains a model on the NMR dataset. An example call is:

python experiment_scripts/ --data_root=path_to_nmr_dataset
python experiment_scripts/ --data_root=path_to_single_class

To reconstruct test objects, use the scripts "" and "". In addition to the data root, you have to point these scripts to the checkpoint from the training run. Note that the script uses the viewlist under ./experiment_scripts/viewlists/src_dvr.txt to pick which views to reconstruct the objects from, while per default reconstructs from the view with index 64.

python experiment_scripts/ --data_root=path_to_nmr_dataset --checkpoint=path_to_training_checkpoint
python experiment_scripts/ --data_root=path_to_single_class_TEST_SET --checkpoint=path_to_training_checkpoint

Finally, you may test the models on the test set with the script. This script is used for testing all the models. You have to pass it as a parameter which dataset you are reconstructing ("NMR" or no). For the NMR dataset, you need to pass the "viewlist" again to make sure that the model is not evaluated on the context view.

python experiment_scripts/ --data_root=path_to_nmr_dataset --dataset=NMR --checkpoint=path_to_rec_checkpoint
python experiment_scripts/ --data_root=path_to_single_class_TEST_SET --dataset=single --checkpoint=path_to_rec_checkpoint

To monitor progress, both the training and reconstruction scripts write tensorboard summaries into a "summaries" subdirectory in the logging_root.

Bells & whistles

This code has a bunch of options that were not discussed in the paper.

  • switch between a ReLU network and a SIREN to better fit high-frequency content with the flag --network (see the init of for options).
  • switch between a hypernetwork, conditioning via concatenation, and low-rank concditioning with the flag --conditioning
  • there is an implementation of encoder-based inference in (LFEncoder) which uses a ResNet18 with global conditioning to generate the latent codes z.


We use two types of datasets: class-specific ones and multi-class ones.

Coordinate and camera parameter conventions

This code uses an "OpenCV" style camera coordinate system, where the Y-axis points downwards (the up-vector points in the negative Y-direction), the X-axis points right, and the Z-axis points into the image plane. Camera poses are assumed to be in a "camera2world" format, i.e., they denote the matrix transform that transforms camera coordinates to world coordinates.



If you find our work useful in your research, please cite:

               author = {Sitzmann, Vincent
                         and Rezchikov, Semon
                         and Freeman, William T.
                         and Tenenbaum, Joshua B.
                         and Durand, Fredo},
               title = {Light Field Networks: Neural Scene Representations
                        with Single-Evaluation Rendering},
               booktitle = {Proc. NeurIPS},


If you have any questions, please email Vincent Sitzmann at [email protected].

Vincent Sitzmann
Incoming Assistant Professor @mit EECS. I'm researching neural scene representations - the way neural networks learn to represent information on our world.
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