RL-driven agent playing tic-tac-toe on starknet against challengers.
GUI reference:
RL-driven agent playing tic-tac-toe on starknet against challengers.
GUI reference:
MoCov3-pytorch custom implementation of MoCov3 [arxiv]. I made minor modifications based on the official MoCo repository [github]. No ViT part code an
RobustNet (CVPR 2021 Oral): Official Project Webpage Codes and pretrained models will be released soon. This repository provides the official PyTorch
A TensorFlow implementation of DeepMind's WaveNet paper This is a TensorFlow implementation of the WaveNet generative neural network architecture for
SparseML is a toolkit that includes APIs, CLIs, scripts and libraries that apply state-of-the-art sparsification algorithms such as pruning and quantization to any neural network. General, recipe-dri
The dual numbers can do efficient autodiff! The codual numbers are a simple meth
SRDenseNet-pytorch Implementation of paper: "Image Super-Resolution Using Dense Skip Connections" in PyTorch (http://openaccess.thecvf.com/content_ICC
NeuralFusion This is the official implementation of NeuralFusion: Online Depth Map Fusion in Latent Space. We provide code to train the proposed pipel
Observe then Incentivize Experiments This is the code used for the paper "(Almost) Free Incentivized Exploration from Decentralized Learning Agents",
The Modular and Robust State-Estimation Framework, or short, MaRS, is a recursive filtering framework that allows for truly modular multi-sensor integration
object-detection-app Simple object detection app with streamlit. Upload an image and perform object detection. Adjust the confidence threshold to see
Global Prosody Style Transfer Without Text Transcriptions This repository provides a PyTorch implementation of AutoPST, which enables unsupervised glo
Real-time VIBE Inference VIBE frame-by-frame. Overview This is a frame-by-frame inference fork of VIBE at [https://github.com/mkocabas/VIBE]. Usage: i
BasicVSR_PlusPlus (CVPR 2022) [Paper] [Project Page] [Code] This is the official repository for BasicVSR++. Please feel free to raise issue related to
Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstruction Using Image-to-Image Translation [Arxiv] [Video] Evaluation code for Unrestricted Facial Geometry Reconstr
How Well Do Self-Supervised Models Transfer? This repository hosts the code for the experiments in the CVPR 2021 paper How Well Do Self-Supervised Mod
This repository provides the official code of GDWCT, and it is written in PyTorch. Paper Image-to-Image Translation via Group-wise Deep Whitening-and-
Photo-Realistic-Super-Resoluton Torch Implementation of "Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network" [Paper]
🔍 Watermarking Images in Self-Supervised Latent-Spaces PyTorch implementation and pretrained models for the paper. For details, see Watermarking Imag
opevcvdl-hw1 This project uses openCV and Qt to achieve the requirements. Version Python 3.7 opencv-contrib-python Matplotlib 3.1.1 pyqt5 5.1
Introduction This repo contains the code to train and evaluate FC-DenseNets as described in The One Hundred Layers Tiramisu: Fully Convolutional Dense