The code for our paper "NSP-BERT: A Prompt-based Zero-Shot Learner Through an Original Pre-training Task —— Next Sentence Prediction"



This is the code of our paper NSP-BERT: A Prompt-based Zero-Shot Learner Through an Original Pre-training Task —— Next Sentence Prediction. We use a sentence-level pre-training task NSP (Next Sentence Prediction) to realize prompt-learning and perform various downstream tasks, such as single sentence classification, sentence pair classification, coreference resolution, cloze-style task, entity linking, entity typing.

On the FewCLUE benchmark, our NSP-BERT outperforms other zero-shot methods (GPT-1-zero and PET-zero) on most of these tasks and comes close to the few-shot methods. We hope NSP-BERT can be an unsupervised tool that can assist other language tasks or models.


Section Description
Environment The required deployment environment
Downloads Download links for the models' checkpoints used by NSP-BERT
Use examples Learn to use NSP-BERT for different downstream tasks
Baselines Baseline results for several Chinese NLP datasets (partial)
Model Comparison Compare the models published in this repository
Strategy Details Some of the strategies used in the paper
Discussion Discussion and Discrimination for future work


The environments are as follows:

Python 3.6
bert4keras 0.10.6
tensorflow-gpu 1.15.0



We should dowmload the checkpoints of different models. The vocab.txt and the config.json are already in our repository.

Organization Model Name Model Parameters Download Linking Tips
Google BERT-Chinese L=12 H=769 A=12 102M Tensorflow
HFL BERT-wwm L=12 H=769 A=12 102M Tensorflow
BERT-wwm-ext L=12 H=769 A=12 102M Tensorflow
UER BERT-mixed-tiny L=3 H=384 A=6 14M Pytorch *
BERT-mixed-Small L=6 H=512 A=8 31M Pytorch *
BERT-mixed-Base L=12 H=769 A=12 102M Pytorch *
BERT-mixed-Large L=24 H=1024 A=16 327M Pytorch *

* We need to use UER's convert tool to convert UER pytorch to Original Tensorflow.


We use FewCLUE datasets and DuEL2.0 (CCKS2020) in our experiments.

Datasets Download Links
DuEL2.0 (CCKS2020)

Put the datasets into the NSP-BERT/datasets/.

Use examples

We can run individual python files in the project directly to evaluate our NSP-BERT.

    |- datasets
        |- clue_datasets
           |- ...
        |- DuEL 2.0
           |- dev.json
           |- kb.json
    |- models
        |- uer_mixed_corpus_bert_base
           |- bert_config.json
           |- vocab.txt
           |- bert_model.ckpt...
           |- ...
    |-             # Single Sentence Classification
    |-              # Sentence Pair Classification
    |-                # Cloze-style Task
    |-     # Coreference Resolution
    |-             # Entity Linking and Entity Typing
Python File Task Datasets Single Sentence Classification EPRSTMT, TNEWS, CSLDCP, IFLYTEK Sentence Pair Classification OCNLI, BUSTM, CSL Cloze-style Task ChID Coreference Resolution CLUEWSC Entity Linking and Entity Typing DuEL2.0


Reference FewCLUE, we choos 3 training scenarios, fine-tuning, few-shot and zero-shot. The baselines use Chineses-RoBERTa-Base and Chinses-GPT-1 as the backbone model.


Scenarios Methods
Fine-tuning BERT, RoBERTa
Few-Shot PET, ADAPET, P-tuning, LM-BFF, EFL
Zero-Shot GPT-zero, PET-zero


Organization Model Name Model Parameters Download Linking
huawei-noah Chinese GPT L=12 H=769 A=12 102M Tensorflow
HFL RoBERTa-wwm-ext L=12 H=769 A=12 102M Tensorflow

Model Comparison

Main Results

Strategy Details



  • Sincce NSP-BERT is a sentence-level prompt-learning model, it is significantly superior to GPT-zero and PET-zero in terms of Single Sentence Classification tasks (TNEWS, CSLDCP and IFLYTEK). At the same time, it can solve the Entity Linking task (DuEL2.0), and the model is not limited by the non-fixed-length entity description, which GPT-zero and PET-zero cannot do this.
  • However, it doesn't work as well on Token-Level tasks, such as Cloze-style task and Entity Typing.
  • In future work, it is essential to extend NSP-BERT to the few-shot scenario.
Sun Yi
PhD student in computer science
Sun Yi
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