Using Tensorflow Object Detection API to detect Waymo open dataset
Plenoxels: Radiance Fields without Neural Networks Alex Yu*, Sara Fridovich-Keil*, Matthew Tancik, Qinhong Chen, Benjamin Recht, Angjoo Kanazawa UC Be
SEAN: Image Synthesis with Semantic Region-Adaptive Normalization (CVPR 2020 Oral) Figure: Face image editing controlled via style images and segmenta
PRTR: Pose Recognition with Cascade Transformers Introduction This repository is the official implementation for Pose Recognition with Cascade Transfo
DeepSeparator Introduction Electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings are often contaminated with artifacts. Various methods have been developed to elimina
v-diffusion-pytorch v objective diffusion inference code for PyTorch, by Katherine Crowson (@RiversHaveWings) and Chainbreakers AI (@jd_pressman). The
ofxTensorFlow2 This is an openFrameworks addon for the TensorFlow 2 ML (Machine Learning) library
中文 | English Mengzi 尽管预训练语言模型在 NLP 的各个领域里得到了广泛的应用,但是其高昂的时间和算力成本依然是一个亟需解决的问题。这要求我们在一定的算力约束下,研发出各项指标更优的模型。 我们的目标不是追求更大的模型规模,而是轻量级但更强大,同时对部署和工业落地更友好的模型。
Fridump Fridump (v0.1) is an open source memory dumping tool, primarily aimed to penetration testers and developers. Fridump is using the Frida framew
ICE-BeeM: Identifiable Conditional Energy-Based Deep Models Based on Nonlinear ICA This repository contains code to run and reproduce the experiments
pytorch-deeplab-resnet DeepLab resnet v2 model implementation in pytorch. The architecture of deepLab-ResNet has been replicated exactly as it is from
dualPC.R contains the R code for the main functions. dualPC_sim.R contains an example run with the different PC versions; it calls dualPC_algs.R whic
Keras implementation of DilatedNet for semantic segmentation A native Keras implementation of semantic segmentation according to Multi-Scale Context A
NFFT4ANOVA Source code for our Paper "Learning in High-Dimensional Feature Spaces Using ANOVA-Based Matrix-Vector Multiplication" This package uses th
Cross Domain Facial Expression Recognition Benchmark Implementation of papers: Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition: A Unified Evaluation Benchm
ActNN : Activation Compressed Training This is the official project repository for ActNN: Reducing Training Memory Footprint via 2-Bit Activation Comp
DeepStack_ActionNET This repository provides a custom DeepStack model that has been trained and can be used for creating a new object detection API fo
Domain Aware Universal Style Transfer Official Pytorch Implementation of 'Domain Aware Universal Style Transfer' (ICCV 2021) Domain Aware Universal St
music2video Overview A repo for making a music video with Wav2CLIP and VQGAN-CLIP. The base code was derived from VQGAN-CLIP The CLIP embedding for au
Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves. ONNX provides
Platypus What is Platypus? Platypus is a framework for evolutionary computing in Python with a focus on multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs)