ACAV100M: Automatic Curation of Large-Scale Datasets for Audio-Visual Video Representation Learning. In ICCV, 2021.

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ACAV100M: Automatic Curation of Large-Scale Datasets for Audio-Visual Video Representation Learning

This repository contains the code for our ICCV 2021 paper:

ACAV100M: Automatic Curation of Large-Scale Datasets for Audio-Visual Video Representation Learning
Sangho Lee*, Jiwan Chung*, Youngjae Yu, Gunhee Kim, Thomas Breuel, Gal Chechik, Yale Song (*: equal contribution)

    title="{ACAV100M: Automatic Curation of Large-Scale Datasets for Audio-Visual Video Representation Learning}",
    author={Sangho Lee and Jiwan Chung and Youngjae Yu and Gunhee Kim and Thomas Breuel and Gal Chechik and Yale Song},

System Requirements

  • Python >= 3.8.5
  • FFMpeg 4.3.1


  1. Install PyTorch 1.6.0, torchvision 0.7.0 and torchaudio 0.6.0 for your environment. Follow the instructions in HERE.

  2. Install the other required packages.

pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m nltk.downloader 'punkt'
pip install detectron2 -f<cuda version>/torch1.6/index.html
pip install git+
pip install torch-scatter==2.0.5 -f<cuda version>.html

e.g. Replace <cuda version> with cu102 for CUDA 10.2.

Input File Structure

  1. Create the data directory
mkdir data
  1. Prepare the input file.

data/metadata.tsv should be structured as follows. We provide an example input file in examples/metadata.tsv

YOUTUBE_ID\t{"LatestDAFeature": {"Title": TITLE, "Description": DESCRIPTION, "YouTubeCategory": YOUTUBE_CATEGORY, "VideoLength": VIDEO_LENGTH}, "MediaVersionList": [{"Duration": DURATION}]}

Data Curation Pipeline


bash ./

To enable GPU computation, modify the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable accordingly. For example, run the above command as export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2,3; bash ./


  1. Filter the videos with metadata.
bash ./metadata_filtering/code/

The above command will build the data/filtered.tsv file.

  1. Download the actual video files from youtube.
bash ./video_download/code/

Although we provide a simple download script, we recommend more scalable solutions for downloading large-scale data.

The above command will download the files to data/videos/raw directory.

  1. Segment the videos into 10-second clips.
bash ./clip_segmentation/code/

The above command will save the segmented clips to data/videos directory.

  1. Extract features from the clips.
bash ./feature_extraction/code/

The above command will save the extracted features to data/features directory.

This step requires GPU for faster computation.

  1. Perform clustering with the extracted features.
bash ./clustering/code/

The above command will save the extracted features to data/clusters directory.

This step requires GPU for faster computation.

  1. Select subset with high audio-visual correspondence using the clustering results.
bash ./subset_selection/code/

The above command will save the selected clip indices to data/datasets directory.

This step requires GPU for faster computation.

The final output should be saved in the data/output.csv file.

Output File Structure

output.csv is structured as follows. We provide an example output file at examples/output.csv.

shard-000009,qpxektwhzra_292.mp4,qpxektwhzra,"[292.3329999997, 302.3329999997]"


Instructions on downstream evaluation are provided in Evaluation.

Correspondence Retrieval

Instructions on correspondence retrieval experiments are provided in Correspondence Retrieval.

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