Semantic Segmentation using Adversarial Networks
Chainer (1.23.0)
Use of FCN-VGG16 instead of Dilated8 as Segmentor.
I have not tuned Discriminator's learning rate yet.
Chainer (1.23.0)
Use of FCN-VGG16 instead of Dilated8 as Segmentor.
I have not tuned Discriminator's learning rate yet.
Bag of tricks for long-tailed visual recognition with deep convolutional neural networks This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of AAA
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ff-neural-network A Python module for the generation and training of an entry-level feedforward neural network. This repository serves as a repurposin
Implementation of paper DeepTag: A General Framework for Fiducial Marker Design and Detection. Project page:
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Python implementation of MULTIseq barcode alignment using fuzzy string matching and GMM barcode assignment.
A collection of SOTA Image Classification Models in PyTorch
Minimal Body A very simple baseline to estimate 2D & 3D SMPL-compatible keypoints from a single color image. The model file is only 51.2 MB and runs a
MSAD Multi-Scale Aligned Distillation for Low-Resolution Detection Lu Qi*, Jason Kuen*, Jiuxiang Gu, Zhe Lin, Yi Wang, Yukang Chen, Yanwei Li, Jiaya J
A baseline code for VSPW Preparation Download VSPW dataset The VSPW dataset with extracted frames and masks is available here.
TabNet for fastai This is an adaptation of TabNet (Attention-based network for tabular data) for fastai (=2.0) library. The original paper https://ar
collie Collie is a library for preparing, training, and evaluating implicit deep learning hybrid recommender systems, named after the Border Collie do
AMRBART An implementation for ACL2022 paper "Graph Pre-training for AMR Parsing and Generation". You may find our paper here (Arxiv). Requirements pyt
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insilico: A Python package to process & model ChEMBL data. ChEMBL is a manually curated chemical database of bioactive molecules with drug-like proper
Learning to Classify Images without Labels This repo contains the Pytorch implementation of our paper: SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Label
A simplistic and efficient pure-python neural network library from Phys Whiz with CPU and GPU support.
MADT: Offline Pre-trained Multi-Agent Decision Transformer A link to our paper can be found on Arxiv. Overview Official codebase for Offline Pre-train
EmbedSeg Introduction This repository hosts the version of the code used for the preprint Embedding-based Instance Segmentation of Microscopy Images.