Code for our paper "Graph Pre-training for AMR Parsing and Generation" in ACL2022



An implementation for ACL2022 paper "Graph Pre-training for AMR Parsing and Generation". You may find our paper here (Arxiv).






  • python 3.8
  • pytorch 1.8
  • transformers 4.8.2
  • pytorch-lightning 1.5.0
  • Tesla V100 or A100

We recommend to use conda to manage virtual environments:

conda env update --name <env> --file requirements.yml

We also provide a docker image here.

Data Processing

You may download the AMR corpora at LDC.

We follow Spring to preprocess AMR graphs:

# 1. install spring 
cd spring && pip install -e .
# 2. processing data


bash /path/to/BART/


For AMR Parsing, run

bash /path/to/pre-trained/AMRBART/ gpu_id

For AMR-to-text Generation, run

bash /path/to/pre-trained/AMRBART/ gpu_id


For AMR Parsing, run

bash /path/to/fine-tuned/AMRBART/ gpu_id

For AMR-to-text Generation, run

bash /path/to/fine-tuned/AMRBART/ gpu_id

Inference on your own data

If you want to run our code on your own data, try to transform your data into the format here, then run

For AMR Parsing, run

bash /path/to/fine-tuned/AMRBART/ gpu_id

For AMR-to-text Generation, run

bash /path/to/fine-tuned/AMRBART/ gpu_id

Pre-trained Models

Pre-trained AMRBART

Setting Params checkpoint
AMRBART-base 142M model
AMRBART-large 409M model

Fine-tuned models on AMR-to-Text Generation

Setting BLEU(tok) BLEU(detok) checkpoint output
AMRBART-large (AMR2.0) 49.8 45.7 model output
AMRBART-large (AMR3.0) 49.2 45.0 model output

To get the tokenized bleu score, you need to use the scorer we provide here. We use this script in order to ensure comparability with previous approaches.

Fine-tuned models on AMR Parsing

Setting Smatch checkpoint output
AMRBART-large (AMR2.0) 85.4 model output
AMRBART-large (AMR3.0) 84.2 model output


  • clean code


    title = "Graph Pre-training for {AMR} Parsing and Generation",
    author = "Bai, Xuefeng  and
      Chen, Yulong and
      Zhang, Yue",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)",
    month = may,
    year = "2022",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "todo",
    doi = "todo",
    pages = "todo"
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