Some pre-commit hooks for OpenMMLab projects



Some pre-commit hooks for OpenMMLab projects.

Using pre-commit-hooks with pre-commit

Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml

-   repo:
    rev: v0.1.0  # Use the ref you want to point at
    -   id: check-algo-readme
    -   id: check-copyright
        args: ["dir_to_check"]  # replace the dir_to_check with your expected directory to check

Hooks available


A template to show how to implement a pre-commit hook


Check whether the abstract and icon exist in the algorithm readme.

  • --debug - print details of abstract and icon in dict format.
  • --dry-run - just dry run, igonre failed use case.
  • --model-index ${MODEL_INDEX} - custom model-index file path.


Check whether the code contains copyright

  • includes - directory to add copyright.
  • --excludes - exclude directory.
  • --suffixes - copyright will be added to files with suffix.
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  • [Feature] Add remove_eol_characters hook

    [Feature] Add remove_eol_characters hook

    This PR adds a new script/pre-commit-hook, named remove-improper-eol-in-cn-docs.

    The script aims at resolving extra whitespaces in Chinese docs, which is a long-standing HTML issue as discussed here.

    To solve the issue, this script finds and removes end_of_line characters which split natural Chinese paragraphs. For example,

    这是一个, 像诗一样的 测试

    will be changed to


    However, the following cases stay unchanged:

    • Docs written in English

    This is, a poem-like test

    • Natural paragraphs (split by 2+ eol characters in Markdown)



    opened by C1rN09 2
  • Add an option to allow files can not be found

    Add an option to allow files can not be found

    Modify .pre-commit-config.yaml with the following config to test this hook.

      - repo:
        rev: 8dd4395  # Use the ref you want to point at
        -   id: check-copyright
            args: ["dir_to_check", "not-found-dir", "--ignore-file-not-found-error"] 
    opened by zhouzaida 0
  • Upgrade the version of isort

    Upgrade the version of isort


    Upgrade the version of isort.


    • Remove seed-isort-config in pre-commit hook
    • Upgrade isort to v5.10.1 (latest version)
    • Replace known_standard_library with extra_standard_library
    opened by zhouzaida 0
  • [Feature] Support checking model-index.yml

    [Feature] Support checking model-index.yml

    Modify .pre-commit-config.yaml with the following config to test this hook.

      - repo:
        rev: 0672dd0  # Use the ref you want to point at
          - id: check-model-index
            args: ["model-index.yml"]  # replace the dir_to_check with your expected directory to check
              - cerberus

    In addition, since YAML does not support tuple type, the resolution field in a metafile is recognized as a string, so fix this type to be a list. You can use the following regular expression global replacement in vs code

    • resolution: \(([0-9]*), ([0-9]*)\)
    • resolution: [$1, $2]


    opened by zhouzaida 0
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