Multi-objective gym environments for reinforcement learning.


tests Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. License

MO-Gym: Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Environments

Gym environments for multi-objective reinforcement learning (MORL). The environments follow the standard gym's API, but return vectorized rewards as numpy arrays.

For details on multi-objective MPDS (MOMDP's) and other MORL definitions, see A practical guide to multi-objective reinforcement learning and planning.


git clone
cd mo-gym
pip install -e .


import gym
import mo_gym

env = gym.make('minecart-v0') # It follows the original gym's API ...

obs = env.reset()
next_obs, vector_reward, done, info = env.step(your_agent.act(obs))  # but vector_reward is a numpy array!

# Optionally, you can scalarize the reward function with the LinearReward wrapper
env = mo_gym.LinearReward(env, weight=np.array([0.8, 0.2, 0.2]))


Env Obs/Action spaces Objectives Description
Discrete / Discrete [treasure, time_penalty] Agent is a submarine that must collect a treasure while taking into account a time penalty. Treasures values taken from Yang et al. 2019.
Discrete / Discrete [enemy, gold, gem] Agent must collect gold or gem. Enemies have a 10% chance of killing the agent. From Barret & Narayanan 2008.
Discrete / Discrete [item1, item2, item3] Agent must collect three different types of items in the map and reach the goal.
Continuous / Discrete [time_penalty, reverse_penalty, forward_penalty] Classic Mountain Car env, but with extra penalties for the forward and reverse actions. From Vamplew et al. 2011.
Continuous / Discrete [target_1, target_2, target_3, target_4] Reacher robot from PyBullet, but there are 4 different target positions.
Continuous or Image / Discrete [ore1, ore2, fuel] Agent must collect two types of ores and minimize fuel consumption. From Abels et al. 2019.
Image / Discrete [x_pos, time, death, coin, enemy] Multi-objective version of SuperMarioBrosEnv. Objectives are defined similarly as in Yang et al. 2019.


If you use this repository in your work, please cite:

  author = {Lucas N. Alegre},
  title = {MO-Gym: Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning Environments},
  year = {2022},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  howpublished = {\url{}},


  • Adds the breakable bottles environment

    Adds the breakable bottles environment

    Adds the breakable bottles environment which is used in Vamplew et al. 2021 as a toy model for irreversible change in stochastic environments.

    I wasn't really planning for creating a pull request, so the commit history is a bit messy...

    opened by rk1a 4
  • A few bug fixes

    A few bug fixes


    • The bounds of the rewards were hardcoded for the convex map.
    • The way to fix the seed is deprecated. From what I saw in the official gym envs, the seed is now fixed just using the reset method. (e.g.

    • Gym 0.25.0 introduces breaking changes. So I fixed the version to 0.24.1.
    opened by ffelten 2
  • Consider using info field for reward vector

    Consider using info field for reward vector


    Thanks for this repository, it will be very useful to the MORL community :-).

    I was just wondering if you think it would be a good idea to enforce gym compatibility by specifying rewards as scalar and giving the vectorial rewards elsewhere. The idea would be to use a field in the info dictionary as they do in PGMORL. This would allow to use existing RL algorithms and logging libraries out of box (e.g. stable-baselines, tensorboard logs, ...).

    For example: In a DST env, if you return the treasure reward only in the reward field, you can use the DQN implementation from baselines and have insights on the average reward, as well as the episode length in the tensorboard logs. Of course, you can extract the full vectorial reward from the info dictionary in order to learn with MORL :-).

    With kind regards,


    opened by ffelten 2
  • Add MO reward wrappers

    Add MO reward wrappers

    I added two wrappers commonly used: normalize and clip.

    The idea is to provide the index of the reward component you want to normalize or clip, and leave the other components as they are. Of course, wrappers can be wrapped inside others to normalize all rewards (see tests).

    opened by ffelten 1
  • Fix notebook

    Fix notebook

    There are still issues with the video recorder :(

    /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/gym/wrappers/monitoring/ UserWarning: WARN: Disabling video recorder because environment <TimeLimit<OrderEnforcing<MOMountainCar<mo-mountaincar-v0>>>> was not initialized with any compatible video mode between `rgb_array` and `rgb_array_list`
    opened by ffelten 0
  • Add fishwood env

    Add fishwood env

    Code was provided by Denis Steckelmacher, I did a bit of refactoring and migrated it to 0.26.

    I didn't bother making the render with the images, but I did upload them in case somebody gets motivated, the env is super simple.

    opened by ffelten 0
  • Add wrapper to help logging episode returns

    Add wrapper to help logging episode returns

    The implementation is mostly a copy paste of the original gym. I had to copy paste instead of override and call to super because the way the return is a numpy array, which is mutable, and the original implementation resets it to 0. Hence, if we kept the original, the return will always be a vector of zeros (because resetted)

    opened by ffelten 0
Lucas Alegre
PhD student at Institute of Informatics - UFRGS. Interested in reinforcement learning, machine learning and artificial (neuro-inspired) intelligence.
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