You Only Sample (Almost) Once: Linear Cost Self-Attention Via Bernoulli Sampling

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Deep LearningYOSO

You Only Sample (Almost) Once: Linear Cost Self-Attention Via Bernoulli Sampling

Transformer-based models are widely used in natural language processing (NLP). Central to the transformer model is the self-attention mechanism, which captures the interactions of token pairs in the input sequences and depends quadratically on the sequence length. Training such models on longer sequences is expensive. In this paper, we show that a Bernoulli sampling attention mechanism based on Locality Sensitive Hash- ing (LSH), decreases the quadratic complexity of such models to linear. We bypass the quadratic cost by considering self-attention as a sum of individual tokens associated with Bernoulli random variables that can, in principle, be sampled at once by a single hash (although in practice, this number may be a small constant). This leads to an efficient sampling scheme to estimate self-attention which relies on specific modifications of LSH (to enable deployment on GPU architectures).


docker, nvidia-docker

Start Docker Container

Under YOSO folder, run

docker run --ipc=host --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= -v "$PWD:/workspace" -it mlpen/transformers:4

For Nvidia's 30 series GPU, run

docker run --ipc=host --runtime=nvidia -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= -v "$PWD:/workspace" -it mlpen/transformers:5

Then, the YOSO folder is mapped to /workspace in the container.



To be updated


To start pre-training of a specific configuration: create a folder YOSO/BERT/models/ (for example, bert-small) and write YOSO/BERT/models/ /config.json to specify model and training configuration, then under YOSO/BERT folder, run

python3 --model 


The command will create a YOSO/BERT/models/ /model folder holding all checkpoints and log file.

Pre-training from Different Model's Checkpoint

Copy a checkpoint (one of .model or .cp file) from YOSO/BERT/models/ /model folder to YOSO/BERT/models/ folder and add a key-value pair in YOSO/BERT/models/ /config.json : "from_cp": " " . One example is shown in YOSO/BERT/models/bert-small-4096/config.json. This procedure also works for extending the max sequence length of a model (For example, use bert-small pre-trained weights as initialization for bert-small-4096).

GLUE Fine-tuning

Under YOSO/BERT folder, run

python3 --model 

For example,

python3 --model bert-small --batch_size 32 --lr 3e-5 --task MRPC --checkpoint cp-0249.model

The command will create a log file in YOSO/BERT/models/ /model .

Long Range Arena Benchmark


To be updated

Run Evaluations

To start evaluation of a specific model on a task in LRA benchmark:

  • Create a folder YOSO/LRA/models/ (for example, softmax)
  • Write YOSO/LRA/models/ /config.json to specify model and training configuration

Under YOSO/LRA folder, run

python3 --model 


For example, run

python3 --model softmax --task listops

The command will create a YOSO/LRA/models/ /model folder holding the best validation checkpoint and log file. After completion, the test set accuracy can be found in the last line of the log file.



To be updated


To start pretraining of a specific configuration:

  • Create a folder YOSO/RoBERTa/models/ (for example, bert-small)
  • Write YOSO/RoBERTa/models/ /config.json to specify model and training configuration

Under YOSO/RoBERTa folder, run

python3 --model 


For example, run

python3 --model bert-small

The command will create a YOSO/RoBERTa/models/ /model folder holding all checkpoints and log file.

GLUE Fine-tuning

To fine-tune model on GLUE tasks:

Under YOSO/RoBERTa folder, run

python3 --model 

For example,

python3 --model bert-small --batch_size 32 --lr 3e-5 --task MRPC --checkpoint 249

The command will create a log file in YOSO/RoBERTa/models/ /model .


  title={You Only Sample (Almost) Once: Linear Cost Self-Attention Via Bernoulli Sampling},
  author={Zhanpeng Zeng, Yunyang Xiong, Sathya N. Ravi, Shailesh Acharya, Glenn Fung, Vikas Singh},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning},
Zhanpeng Zeng
Zhanpeng Zeng
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