Auxiliary Raw Net (ARawNet) is a ASVSpoof detection model taking both raw waveform and handcrafted features as inputs, to balance the trade-off between performance and model complexity.



This repository is an implementation of the Auxiliary Raw Net (ARawNet), which is ASVSpoof detection system taking both raw waveform and handcrafted features as inputs,to balance the trade-off between performance and model complexity. The paper can be checked here.

The model performance is tested on the ASVSpoof 2019 Dataset.




Show details

  • speechbrain==0.5.7
  • pandas
  • torch==1.9.1
  • torchaudio==0.9.1
  • nnAudio==0.2.6
  • ptflops==0.6.6

  • Create a conda environment with conda env create -f environment.yml.
  • Activate the conda environment with conda activate .


Data preprocessing

├── data                       
│   │
│   ├── PA                  
│   │   └── ...
│   └── LA           
│       ├── ASVspoof2019_LA_asv_protocols
│       ├── ASVspoof2019_LA_asv_scores
│       ├── ASVspoof2019_LA_cm_protocols
│       ├── ASVspoof2019_LA_train
│       ├── ASVspoof2019_LA_dev
└── ARawNet
  1. Download dataset. Our experiment is trained on the Logical access (LA) scenario of the ASVspoof 2019 dataset. Dataset can be downloaded here.

  2. Unzip and save the data to a folder data in the same directory as ARawNet as shown in below.

  3. Run python Or you can use our processed data directly under "/processed_data".


python yaml/RawSNet.yaml --data_parallel_backend -data_parallel_count=2



Check Model Size and multiply-and-accumulates (MACs)

python yaml/RawSNet.yaml

Model Performance

Accuracy metric

min t−DCF =min{βPcm (s)+Pcm(s)}

Explanations can be found here: t-DCF

Experiment Results

Front-end Main Encoder E_A EER min-tDCF
Res2Net Spec Res2Net - 8.783 0.2237
LFCC - 2.869 0.0786
CQT - 2.502 0.0743
Rawnet2 Raw waveforms Rawnet2 - 5.13 0.1175
ARawNet Mel-Spectrogram XVector 1.32 0.03894
- 2.39320 0.06875
ARawNet Mel-Spectrogram ECAPA-TDNN 1.39 0.04316
- 2.11 0.06425
ARawNet CQT XVector 1.74 0.05194
- 3.39875 0.09510
ARawNet CQT ECAPA-TDNN 1.11 0.03645
- 1.72667 0.05077
Main Encoder Auxiliary Encoder Parameters MACs
Rawnet2 - 25.43 M 7.61 GMac
Res2Net - 0.92 M 1.11 GMac
XVector 5.81 M 2.71 GMac
XVector - 4.66M 1.88 GMac
ECAPA-TDNN 7.18 M 3.19 GMac
ECAPA-TDNN - 6.03M 2.36 GMac

Cite Our Paper

If you use this repository, please consider citing:

@inproceedings{Teng2021ComplementingHF, title={Complementing Handcrafted Features with Raw Waveform Using a Light-weight Auxiliary Model}, author={Zhongwei Teng and Quchen Fu and Jules White and M. Powell and Douglas C. Schmidt}, year={2021} }

@inproceedings{Fu2021FastAudioAL, title={FastAudio: A Learnable Audio Front-End for Spoof Speech Detection}, author={Quchen Fu and Zhongwei Teng and Jules White and M. Powell and Douglas C. Schmidt}, year={2021} }

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