Implementation of Nyström Self-attention, from the paper Nyströmformer


Nyström Attention

Implementation of Nyström Self-attention, from the paper Nyströmformer.

Yannic Kilcher video


$ pip install nystrom-attention


import torch
from nystrom_attention import NystromAttention

attn = NystromAttention(
    dim = 512,
    dim_head = 64,
    heads = 8,
    num_landmarks = 256,    # number of landmarks
    pinv_iterations = 6,    # number of moore-penrose iterations for approximating pinverse. 6 was recommended by the paper
    residual = True         # whether to do an extra residual with the value or not. supposedly faster convergence if turned on

x = torch.randn(1, 16384, 512)
mask = torch.ones(1, 16384).bool()

attn(x, mask = mask) # (1, 16384, 512)

Nyströmformer, layers of Nyström attention

import torch
from nystrom_attention import Nystromformer

model = Nystromformer(
    dim = 512,
    dim_head = 64,
    heads = 8,
    depth = 6,
    num_landmarks = 256,
    pinv_iterations = 6

x = torch.randn(1, 16384, 512)
mask = torch.ones(1, 16384).bool()

model(x, mask = mask) # (1, 16384, 512)

You can also import it as Nyströmer if you wish

from nystrom_attention import Nystromer


    title   = {Nyströmformer: A Nyström-Based Algorithm for Approximating Self-Attention},
    author  = {Yunyang Xiong and Zhanpeng Zeng and Rudrasis Chakraborty and Mingxing Tan and Glenn Fung and Yin Li and Vikas Singh},
    year    = {2021},
    eprint  = {2102.03902},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    primaryClass = {cs.CL}
  • Clarification on masking

    Clarification on masking

    Given the dimensionality of the mask argument, (N, T), I'm assuming this is a boolean mask for masking out padding tokens. I created the following function to generate such a mask given an input tensor:

    def _create_pad_mask(self, x: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.BoolTensor:
        mask = torch.ones_like(x).to(torch.bool)
        mask[x==0] = False
        return mask

    where 0 is the padding token, setting positions to False so not to attend to them.

    However, I am unsure how to apply a causal mask to the attention layers so to prevent my decoder from accessing future elements. I couldn't see an example of this in the full Nystromformer module. How can I achieve this?

    For context, I am trying to apply the causal mask generated by the following function:

    def _create_causal_mask(self, x: torch.LongTensor) -> torch.FloatTensor:
        size = x.shape[1]
        mask = (torch.triu(torch.ones(size, size)) == 1).transpose(0, 1)
        mask = mask.float().masked_fill_(mask == 0, float('-inf')).masked_fill_(mask==1, 0.0)
        return mask

    One way I can think of is to set return_attn to True, apply the mask on the returned attention weights then matmul with the value tensor. But this has a few issues:

    • Having to return v
    • Computing the full attention matrix (I think), defeating the entire point of linear attention
    • Needlessly calculating out only to discard it.

    Is this just a limitation of Nystrom attention? Or am I overlooking something obvious?


    opened by vvvm23 3
  • Possible bug with padding

    Possible bug with padding

    Hey there,

    I was going through the code and I noticed the following, which I found curious.

    In Line 75, you pad the input tensor to a multiple of num_landmarks from the front:

    x = F.pad(x, (0, 0, padding, 0), value = 0)

    In Line 144 you trim the extra padding elements you inserted in the output tensor from the end.

    out = out[:, :n]

    Am I not getting something, or should we be removing the front elements of out?

    out = out[:, out.size(1) - n:]
    opened by georgepar 2
  • Nystrom for Image processing

    Nystrom for Image processing

    thank you for sharing the wondeful code. I am working on image processing and wanted to try your code for the same. I have 2 doubts:

    1. How to select residual_conv_kernel? I could not find any details for the same. also, it is enabled by a flag. When should we enable it and when to disable it?
    2. Is there any guideline for deciding num_landmarks for image processing task?


    opened by paragon1234 1
  • Error when mask is of the same size as that of the input X

    Error when mask is of the same size as that of the input X


    First of all, thank you for putting such an easy to use implementation on GitHub. I'm trying to incorporate the nystrom attention into a legacy codebase, it previously used to provide the input X and the mask (off the same dimensions as X) to a Multi headed Attention Layer.

    When I'm trying to integrate nystrom attention with it, it runs alright without the mask. But, when I pass the mask alongside it, it throws einops rearrange error.

    Sorry, if this is a very basic question, but how would you recommend I deal with handling 3D mask (same dimensions as the size of input) in the codebase.

    Best, VB

    opened by Vaibhavs10 1
  • ViewBackward inplace deprecation warning

    ViewBackward inplace deprecation warning

    Hello again,

    The following code results in a UserWarning in PyTorch 1.8.1.

    In [1]: from nystrom_attention.nystrom_attention import NystromAttention
    In [2]: import torch
    In [3]: attn = NystromAttention(256)
    In [4]: x = torch.randn(1, 8192, 256)
    In [5]: attn(x)
    /home/alex/.tmp/nystrom-attention/nystrom_attention/ UserWarning: Output 0 of ViewBackward is a view and is being modified inplace. This view is an output of a function that returns multiple views. Inplace operators on such views are being deprecated and will be forbidden starting from version 1.8. Consider using `unsafe_` version of the function that produced this view or don't modify this view inplace. (Triggered internally at  ../torch/csrc/autograd/variable.cpp:547.)
      q *= self.scale
    tensor([[[-0.0449, -0.1726,  0.1409,  ...,  0.0127,  0.2287, -0.2437],
             [-0.1132,  0.3229, -0.1279,  ...,  0.0084, -0.3307, -0.2351],
             [ 0.0361,  0.1013,  0.0828,  ...,  0.1045, -0.1627,  0.0736],
             [ 0.0018,  0.1385, -0.1716,  ..., -0.0366, -0.0682,  0.0241],
             [ 0.1497,  0.0149, -0.0020,  ..., -0.0352, -0.1126,  0.0193],
             [ 0.1341,  0.0077,  0.1627,  ..., -0.0363,  0.1057, -0.2071]]],

    Not a huge issue, but worth mentioning

    opened by vvvm23 1
  • Relative position encoding

    Relative position encoding

    Similar to the question raised for the performer architecture , is it possible to implement a relative position encoding given the methodology in which attention is calculated?

    opened by jdcla 1
  • How can we implement

    How can we implement "batch_first" in Nystrom attention?


    Thanks a lot for implementing the nystromformer attention algorithm! Very nice job!

    I am wondering whether it is feasible to add the "batch_first" option in the nystrom attention algorithm? This allow the algorithm to be integrated in the existing pytorch transformer encoder architecture.

    opened by mark0935git 0
  • x-transformers


    Hi @lucidrains - just wondering if we can plug in Nystrom Attention with x-transformers?

    I've been plugging in Vision Transformers with X-transformers but am wondering if its possible to have a Nystrom transformer with x-transformer improvements to plug into a ViT?

    opened by robbohua 0
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