Pytorch implementation of Masked Auto-Encoder

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Deep LearningMAE-code

Masked Auto-Encoder (MAE)

Pytorch implementation of Masked Auto-Encoder:


  1. Clone to the local.
> git clone MAE-code
  1. Install required packages.
> cd MAE-code
> pip install requirements.txt
  1. Prepare datasets.
  • For Cifar10, Cifar100 and STL, skip this step for it will be done automatically;
  • For ImageNet1K, download and unzip the train(val) set into ./data/ImageNet1K/train(val).
  1. Set parameters.
  • All parameters are kept in default_args() function of main_mae(eval).py file.
  1. Run the code.
> python	# train MAE encoder
> python	# evaluate MAE encoder
  1. Visualize the ouput.
> tensorboard --logdir=./log --port 8888


Project structure

+ ckpt				# checkpoint
+ data 				# data folder
+ img 				# store images for
+ log 				# log files
.gitignore 			# LARS optimizer 			# main file for evaluation  			# main file for MAE training 			# model definitions of MAE and EvalNet 			# helper functions 				# definition of vision transformer

Encoder setting

In the paper, ViT-Base, ViT-Large and ViT-Huge are used. You can switch between them by simply changing the parameters in default_args(). Details can be found here and are listed in following table.

Name Layer Num. Hidden Size MLP Size Head Num.
Arg vit_depth vit_dim vit_mlp_dim vit_heads
ViT-B 12 768 3072 12
ViT-L 24 1024 4096 16
ViT-H 32 1280 5120 16

Evaluation setting

I implement four network training strategies concerned in the paper, including

  • pre-training is used to train MAE encoder and done in
  • linear probing is used to evaluate MAE encoder. During training, MAE encoder is fixed.
    • args.n_partial = 0
  • partial fine-tuning is used to evaluate MAE encoder. During training, MAE encoder is partially fixed.
    • args.n_partial = 0.5 --> fine-tuning MLP sub-block with the transformer fixed
    • 1<=args.n_partial<=args.vit_depth-1 --> fine-tuning MLP sub-block and last layers of transformer
  • end-to-end fine-tuning is used to evaluate MAE encoder. During training, MAE encoder is fully trainable.
    • args.n_partial = args.vit_depth

Note that the last three strategies are done in where parameter args.n_partial is located.

At the same time, I follow the parameter settings in the paper appendix. Note that partial fine-tuning and end-to-end fine-tuning use the same setting. Nevertheless, I replace RandAug(9, 0.5) with RandomResizedCrop and leave mixup, cutmix and drop path techniques in further implementation.


The experiment reproduce will takes a long time and I am unfortunately busy these days. If you get some results and are willing to contribute, please reach me via email. Thanks!

By the way, I have run the code from start to end. It works! So don't worry about the implementation errors. If you find any, please raise issues or email me.


This repository is under GPL V3.


Thanks project vit-pytorch, pytorch-lars and DeepLearningExamples for their codes contribute to this repository a lot!


Email: [email protected]

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