ChirpText is a collection of text processing tools for Python 3.


ChirpText is a collection of text processing tools for Python 3.

Documentation Status Total alerts Language grade: Python

It is not meant to be a powerful tank like the popular NTLK but a small package which you can pip-install anywhere and write a few lines of code to process textual data.

Main features

  • Simple file data manipulation using an enhanced open() function (txt, gz, binary, etc.)
  • CSV helper functions
  • Parse Japanese text with mecab library (Does not require mecab-python3 package even on Windows, only a binary release (i.e. mecab.exe) is required)
  • Built-in "lite" text annotation formats (texttaglib TTL/CSV and TTL/JSON)
  • Helper functions and useful data for processing English, Japanese, Chinese and Vietnamese.
  • Application configuration files management which can make educated guess about config files' whereabouts
  • Quick text-based report generation


chirptext is available on PyPI and can be installed using pip

pip install chirptext

Parsing Japanese text

chirptext supports parsing Japanese text using different parsers (mecab, Janome, and igo-python)

>> doc = deko.parse_doc("猫が好きです。\n犬も好きです。") >>> for sent in doc: ... print(sent, sent.tokens.values()) ... 猫が好きです。 ['猫', 'が', '好き', 'です', '。'] 犬も好きです。 ['犬', 'も', '好き', 'です', '。'] ">
>>> from chirptext import deko
>>> sent = deko.parse('猫が好きです。')
>>> sent.tokens
['`猫`<0:1>', '`が`<1:2>', '`好き`<2:4>', '`です`<4:6>', '`。`<6:7>']
>>> sent.tokens.values()
['猫', 'が', '好き', 'です', '。']
>>> sent[0]
>>> sent[0].pos
>>> sent[1].lemma
>>> sent[2].reading

# tokenize
>>> deko.tokenize('猫が好きです。')
['猫', 'が', '好き', 'です', '。']

# split sentences
>>> deko.tokenize_sent("猫が好きです。\n犬も好きです。")
['猫が好きです。', '犬も好きです。']

# parse a document (i.e. multiple sentences)
>>> doc = deko.parse_doc("猫が好きです。\n犬も好きです。")
>>> for sent in doc:
...     print(sent, sent.tokens.values())
猫が好きです。 ['猫', 'が', '好き', 'です', '。']
犬も好きです。 ['犬', 'も', '好き', 'です', '。']

Notes: At least one of the following tools must be installed to use chirptext Japanese parsing:

  1. mecab:
  2. Janome: available on PyPI, install with pip install Janome
  3. igo-python: available on PyPI, install with pip install igo-python

Convenient IO APIs

>>> from chirptext import chio
>>> chio.write_tsv('data/test.tsv', [['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']])
>>> chio.read_tsv('data/tes.tsv')
[['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd']]

>>> chio.write_file('data/content.tar.gz', 'Support writing to .tar.gz file')
>>> chio.read_file('data/content.tar.gz')
'Support writing to .tar.gz file'

>>> for row in chio.read_tsv_iter('data/test.tsv'):
...     print(row)
['a', 'b']
['c', 'd']

Sample TextReport

# a string report
rp = TextReport()  # by default, TextReport will write to standard output, i.e. terminal
rp = TextReport(TextReport.STDOUT)  # same as above
rp = TextReport('~/tmp/my-report.txt')  # output to a file
rp = TextReport.null()  # ouptut to /dev/null, i.e. nowhere
rp = TextReport.string()  # output to a string. Call rp.content() to get the string
rp = TextReport(TextReport.STRINGIO)  # same as above

# TextReport will close the output stream automatically by using the with statement
with TextReport.string() as rp:
    rp.header("Lorem Ipsum Analysis", level="h0")
    rp.header("Raw", level="h1")
    rp.header("Top 5 most common letters")
    ct.summarise(report=rp, limit=5)


| Lorem Ipsum Analysis 
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 
Top 5 most common letters
i: 42 
e: 37 
t: 32 
o: 29 
a: 29 

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    Asking for a new release on PyPi


    Version 0.1a18 is a bit outdated, could you update a newer version to PyPi?

    I only need this commit, but since long time is passed i think most of the master change are stable.

    opened by matteofumagalli1275 1
  • Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning

    Add CodeQL workflow for GitHub code scanning

    Hi letuananh/chirptext!

    This is a one-off automatically generated pull request from :robot:. You might have heard that we’ve integrated LGTM’s underlying CodeQL analysis engine natively into GitHub. The result is GitHub code scanning!

    With LGTM fully integrated into code scanning, we are focused on improving CodeQL within the native GitHub code scanning experience. In order to take advantage of current and future improvements to our analysis capabilities, we suggest you enable code scanning on your repository. Please take a look at our blog post for more information.

    This pull request enables code scanning by adding an auto-generated codeql.yml workflow file for GitHub Actions to your repository — take a look! We tested it before opening this pull request, so all should be working :heavy_check_mark:. In fact, you might already have seen some alerts appear on this pull request!

    Where needed and if possible, we’ve adjusted the configuration to the needs of your particular repository. But of course, you should feel free to tweak it further! Check this page for detailed documentation.

    Questions? Check out the FAQ below!


    Click here to expand the FAQ section

    How often will the code scanning analysis run?

    By default, code scanning will trigger a scan with the CodeQL engine on the following events:

    • On every pull request — to flag up potential security problems for you to investigate before merging a PR.
    • On every push to your default branch and other protected branches — this keeps the analysis results on your repository’s Security tab up to date.
    • Once a week at a fixed time — to make sure you benefit from the latest updated security analysis even when no code was committed or PRs were opened.

    What will this cost?

    Nothing! The CodeQL engine will run inside GitHub Actions, making use of your unlimited free compute minutes for public repositories.

    What types of problems does CodeQL find?

    The CodeQL engine that powers GitHub code scanning is the exact same engine that powers The exact set of rules has been tweaked slightly, but you should see almost exactly the same types of alerts as you were used to on we’ve enabled the security-and-quality query suite for you.

    How do I upgrade my CodeQL engine?

    No need! New versions of the CodeQL analysis are constantly deployed on; your repository will automatically benefit from the most recently released version.

    The analysis doesn’t seem to be working

    If you get an error in GitHub Actions that indicates that CodeQL wasn’t able to analyze your code, please follow the instructions here to debug the analysis.

    How do I disable

    If you have LGTM’s automatic pull request analysis enabled, then you can follow these steps to disable the LGTM pull request analysis. You don’t actually need to remove your repository from; it will automatically be removed in the next few months as part of the deprecation of (more info here).

    Which source code hosting platforms does code scanning support?

    GitHub code scanning is deeply integrated within GitHub itself. If you’d like to scan source code that is hosted elsewhere, we suggest that you create a mirror of that code on GitHub.

    How do I know this PR is legitimate?

    This PR is filed by the official GitHub App, in line with the deprecation timeline that was announced on the official GitHub Blog. The proposed GitHub Action workflow uses the official open source GitHub CodeQL Action. If you have any other questions or concerns, please join the discussion here in the official GitHub community!

    I have another question / how do I get in touch?

    Please join the discussion here to ask further questions and send us suggestions!

    opened by lgtm-com[bot] 0
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      • Reference:
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      • Version 1:
      • Version 2:
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  • 0.2a2(May 20, 2021)


    • Added missing keyword arguments newline and encoding to chio.write_csv and chio.write_tsv
    • Updated test cases

    PyPI link:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • chirptext-0.1.2(May 20, 2021)

    chirptext 0.1.2 stable maintenance release for supporting texttaglib legacy APIs


    • [v0.1.2] Added missing keyword arguments newline and encoding to chio.write_csv and chio.write_tsv
    • [v0.1.2] Updated test cases

    PyPI link:

    To use Japanese parsing with chirptext, see chirptext 0.1.1 stable release

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.2a1(May 17, 2021)

  • chirptext-0.1.1(May 17, 2021)

  • chirptext-0.1(May 13, 2021)

  • 0.1rc1(May 2, 2021)

  • 0.1a21(Apr 23, 2021)

  • 0.1a19(Jun 1, 2020)

    • Improved texttaglib (lite) module
      • Better TTL-JSON support
      • Standardized TTL access methods (find(), find_all() to get_tag(), get_tags())
    • Improved chirptext.sino module (Kangxi radical information)
    • Rename TextReport.file to (more intuitive)
    • Show fewer mecab related warnings
    • Use Markdown for PyPI project README file
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1a18(Jul 18, 2018)

  • 0.1a14(Apr 11, 2018)

    Deko can be used without mecab-python3 with this release.

    from chirptext import deko
    # Now we can use deko as usual
    sent = deko.txt2mecab("雨が降る。")
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1a11(Apr 2, 2018)

    • Added TxtWriter and TxtReader to texttaglib module for faster reading
    • Added DataObject to anhxa
    • Deko documents and sentences can be exported to TTL format
    • etc.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1a4(Feb 5, 2018)

    • Made WebHelper accept string as path to cache DB
    • Added WebHelper.fetch_json() method
    • Added some bug fixes
    • Added README file with some code samples
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.1a2(Jan 24, 2018)

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