Adventura is an open source Python Text Adventure Engine



Adventura is an open source Python Text Adventure Engine, Not yet uploaded to PyPi (Developer build releasing soon 1-3 days 0.6.2)



to use a loading animation, use a class called cusload, which allows you to create a custom loading animation, powered by tqdm, this is how it works:

first digit must be the length of the loading animation, the second is the time it takes to load the next update. Example:

loading = cusload(3e5, 0.00001)




to add an item name, just use class "item"


key = Item("key")



to add a location, use game.add_location


game = Game("Enter game title here")

room = Location("Random Room", """Enter description here""")




to use the inventory, you can make an input that adds an item in a set called inventory


game = Game("Enter game title here")

room = Location("Random Room", """Enter description here""")


key = Item("key")


pick_up_key = ItemAction("Take Key", target_item=key)


that was an example of adding an activity, which will auotomatically add an input in the output which will read the first slot in ItemAction(), which in this situation reads "Take Key". If the player chose that input, it will automatically add a key in the inventory


Transition Action:

A transition action will make an input go to another room or location, that requires an item to go to the next location, it will check the inventory, if it doesn't have the required item, it wont give the option to leave


this is the location

game = Game("Enter game title here")

room = Location("Random Room", """Enter description here""")


this will add another location for the transition action

roomtwo = Location("Another room", """enter description here""")


this will add an item in the location

key = Item("key")


here is the item action

pick_up_key = ItemAction("Take Key", target_item=key)

here is the transition action

open_door = TransitionAction("Open Door", target_location=roomtwo, required_items=key)

Activities input




LIKE THIS: required_items=None

You can use that argument multiple times to add multiple required items.


To start the game use game.start()


If the final location is equal to the first, it will end the game with a print action.

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