Returns unicode slugs


Python Slugify

A Python slugify application that handles unicode.

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Best attempt to create slugs from unicode strings while keeping it DRY.


This module, by default installs and uses text-unidecode (GPL & Perl Artistic) for its decoding needs.

However, there is an alternative decoding package called Unidecode (GPL). It can be installed as python-slugify[unidecode] for those who prefer it.

How to install

easy_install python-slugify |OR| easy_install python-slugify[unidecode]
-- OR --
pip install python-slugify |OR| pip install python-slugify[unidecode]


def slugify(
  Make a slug from the given text.
  :param text (str): initial text
  :param entities (bool): converts html entities to unicode (foo & bar -> foo-bar)
  :param decimal (bool): converts html decimal to unicode (Ž -> Ž -> z)
  :param hexadecimal (bool): converts html hexadecimal to unicode (Ž -> Ž -> z)
  :param max_length (int): output string length
  :param word_boundary (bool): truncates to end of full words (length may be shorter than max_length)
  :param save_order (bool): if parameter is True and max_length > 0 return whole words in the initial order
  :param separator (str): separator between words
  :param stopwords (iterable): words to discount
  :param regex_pattern (str): regex pattern for allowed characters
  :param lowercase (bool): activate case sensitivity by setting it to False
  :param replacements (iterable): list of replacement rules e.g. [['|', 'or'], ['%', 'percent']]
  :return (str): slugify text

How to use

from slugify import slugify

txt = "This is a test ---"
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "this-is-a-test")

txt = '影師嗎'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "ying-shi-ma")

txt = 'C\'est déjà l\'été.'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "c-est-deja-l-ete")

txt = 'Nín hǎo. Wǒ shì zhōng guó rén'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "nin-hao-wo-shi-zhong-guo-ren")

txt = 'Компьютер'
r = slugify(txt)
self.assertEqual(r, "kompiuter")

txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=9)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol")

txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=15, word_boundary=True)
self.assertEqual(r, "jaja-lol-a")

txt = 'jaja---lol-méméméoo--a'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=20, word_boundary=True, separator=".")
self.assertEqual(r, "")

txt = 'one two three four five'
r = slugify(txt, max_length=13, word_boundary=True, save_order=True)
self.assertEqual(r, "one-two-three")

txt = 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
r = slugify(txt, stopwords=['the'])
self.assertEqual(r, 'quick-brown-fox-jumps-over-lazy-dog')

txt = 'the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog in a hurry'
r = slugify(txt, stopwords=['the', 'in', 'a', 'hurry'])
self.assertEqual(r, 'quick-brown-fox-jumps-over-lazy-dog')

txt = 'thIs Has a stopword Stopword'
r = slugify(txt, stopwords=['Stopword'], lowercase=False)
self.assertEqual(r, 'thIs-Has-a-stopword')

txt = "___This is a test___"
regex_pattern = r'[^-a-z0-9_]+'
r = slugify(txt, regex_pattern=regex_pattern)
self.assertEqual(r, "___this-is-a-test___")

txt = "___This is a test___"
regex_pattern = r'[^-a-z0-9_]+'
r = slugify(txt, separator='_', regex_pattern=regex_pattern)
self.assertNotEqual(r, "_this_is_a_test_")

txt = '10 | 20 %'
r = slugify(txt, replacements=[['|', 'or'], ['%', 'percent']])
self.assertEqual(r, "10-or-20-percent")

txt = 'ÜBER Über German Umlaut'
r = slugify(txt, replacements=[['Ü', 'UE'], ['ü', 'ue']])
self.assertEqual(r, "ueber-ueber-german-umlaut")

For more examples, have a look at the file.

Command Line Options

With the package, a command line tool called slugify is also installed.

It allows convenient command line access to all the features the slugify function supports. Call it with -h for help.

The command can take its input directly on the command line or from STDIN (when the --stdin flag is passed):

$ echo "Taking input from STDIN" | slugify --stdin
$ slugify taking input from the command line

Please note that when a multi-valued option such as --stopwords or --replacements is passed, you need to use -- as separator before you start with the input:

$ slugify --stopwords the in a hurry -- the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog in a hurry

Running the tests

To run the tests against the current environment:



Please read the (wiki) page prior to raising any PRs.


Released under a (MIT) license.


X.Y.Z Version

`MAJOR` version -- when you make incompatible API changes,
`MINOR` version -- when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
`PATCH` version -- when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.


Neekware Inc.

Val Neekman
Val is a Solutions Architect with a passion for Typescript-Angular, Python-Django, UX and Performant Software. He is the Principal Consultant at Neekware Inc.
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