Official PyTorch Implementation for HOTR: End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection with Transformers (CVPR'2021, Oral Presentation)
HOTR: End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection with Transformers
HOTR is a novel framework which directly predicts a set of {human, object, interaction} triplets from an image using a transformer-based encoder-decoder. Through the set-level prediction, our method effectively exploits the inherent semantic relationships in an image and does not require time-consuming post-processing which is the main bottleneck of existing methods. Our proposed algorithm achieves the state-of-the-art performance in two HOI detection benchmarks with an inference time under 1 ms after object detection.
HOTR is composed of three main components: a shared encoder with a CNN backbone, a parallel decoder, and the recomposition layer to generate final HOI triplets. The overview of our pipeline is presented below.
1. Environmental Setup
$ conda create -n kakaobrain python=3.7
$ conda install -c pytorch pytorch torchvision # PyTorch 1.7.1, torchvision 0.8.2, CUDA=11.0
$ conda install cython scipy
$ pip install pycocotools
$ pip install opencv-python
$ pip install wandb
2. HOI dataset setup
Our current version of HOTR supports the experiments for V-COCO dataset. Download the v-coco dataset under the pulled directory.
# V-COCO setup
$ git clone
$ cd v-coco
$ ln -s [:COCO_DIR] coco/images # COCO_DIR contains images of train2014 & val2014
$ python [:COCO_DIR]/annotations
If you wish to download the v-coco on our own directory, simply change the 'data_path' argument to the directory you have downloaded the v-coco dataset.
--data_path [:your_own_directory]/v-coco
3. How to Train/Test HOTR on V-COCO dataset
For testing, you can either use your own trained weights and pass the directory to the 'resume' argument, or use our provided weights. Below is the example of how you should edit the Makefile.
# [Makefile]
# Testing your own trained weights
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=8 \
--resume checkpoints/vcoco/KakaoBrain/multi_run_000001/best.pth # the best performing checkpoint is saved in this format
# Testing our provided trained weights
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=8 \
--resume checkpoints/vcoco/q16.pth # download the q16.pth as described below.
In order to use our provided weights, you can download the weights from this link. Then, pass the directory of the downloaded file (for example, we put the weights under the directory checkpoints/vcoco/q16.pth) to the 'resume' argument as well.
# multi-gpu training / testing (8 GPUs)
$ make multi_[train/test]
# single-gpu training / testing
$ make single_[train/test]
4. Results
Here, we provide improved results of V-COCO Scenario 1 (58.9 mAP, 0.5ms) from the version of our initial submission (55.2 mAP, 0.9ms). This is obtained "without" applying any priors on the scores (see iCAN).
Epoch | # queries | Scenario 1 | Scenario 2 | Checkpoint |
100 | 16 | 58.9 | 63.8 | download |
If you want to use pretrained weights for inference, download the pretrained weights (from the above link) under checkpoints/vcoco/
and match the interaction query argument as described in the weight file (others are already set in the Makefile). Our evaluation code follows the exact implementations of the official python v-coco evaluation. You can test the weights by the command below (e.g., the weight file is named as q16.pth, which denotes that the model uses 16 interaction queries).
python -m torch.distributed.launch \
--nproc_per_node=8 \
--use_env \
--batch_size 2 \
--HOIDet \
--share_enc \
--pretrained_dec \
--num_hoi_queries [:query_num] \
--temperature 0.05 \ # use the exact same temperature value that you used during training!
--object_threshold 0 \
--no_aux_loss \
--eval \
--dataset_file vcoco \
--data_path v-coco \
--resume checkpoints/vcoco/[:query_num].pth
The results will appear as the following:
[Logger] Number of params: 51181950
Evaluation Inference (V-COCO) [308/308] eta: 0:00:00 time: 0.2063 data: 0.0127 max mem: 1578
[stats] Total Time (test) : 0:01:05 (0.2114 s / it)
[stats] HOI Recognition Time (avg) : 0.5221 ms
[stats] Distributed Gathering Time : 0:00:49
[stats] Score Matrix Generation completed
============= AP (Role scenario_1) ==============
hold_obj: AP = 48.99 (#pos = 3608)
sit_instr: AP = 47.81 (#pos = 1916)
ride_instr: AP = 67.04 (#pos = 556)
look_obj: AP = 40.57 (#pos = 3347)
hit_instr: AP = 76.42 (#pos = 349)
hit_obj: AP = 71.27 (#pos = 349)
eat_obj: AP = 55.75 (#pos = 521)
eat_instr: AP = 67.57 (#pos = 521)
jump_instr: AP = 71.44 (#pos = 635)
lay_instr: AP = 57.09 (#pos = 387)
talk_on_phone_instr: AP = 49.07 (#pos = 285)
carry_obj: AP = 34.75 (#pos = 472)
throw_obj: AP = 52.37 (#pos = 244)
catch_obj: AP = 48.80 (#pos = 246)
cut_instr: AP = 49.58 (#pos = 269)
cut_obj: AP = 57.02 (#pos = 269)
work_on_computer_instr: AP = 67.44 (#pos = 410)
ski_instr: AP = 49.35 (#pos = 424)
surf_instr: AP = 77.07 (#pos = 486)
skateboard_instr: AP = 86.44 (#pos = 417)
drink_instr: AP = 38.67 (#pos = 82)
kick_obj: AP = 73.92 (#pos = 180)
read_obj: AP = 44.81 (#pos = 111)
snowboard_instr: AP = 81.25 (#pos = 277)
| mAP(role scenario_1): 58.94
The HOI recognition time is calculated by the end-to-end inference time excluding the object detection time.
5. Auxiliary Loss
HOTR follows the auxiliary loss of DETR, where the loss between the ground truth and each output of the decoder layer is also computed. The ground-truth for the auxiliary outputs are matched with the ground-truth HOI triplets with our proposed Hungarian Matcher.
6. Temperature Hyperparameter, tau
Based on our experimental results, the temperature hyperparameter is sensitive to the number of interaction queries and the coefficient for the index loss and index cost, and the number of decoder layers. Empirically, a larger number of queries require a larger tau, and a smaller coefficient for the loss and cost for HO Pointers requires a smaller tau (e.g., for 16 interaction queries, tau=0.05 for the default set_cost_idx=1, hoi_idx_loss_coef=1, hoi_act_loss_coef=10 shows the best result). The initial version of HOTR (with 55.2 mAP) has been trained with 100 queries, which required a larger tau (tau=0.1). There might be better results than the tau we used in our paper according to these three factors. Feel free to explore yourself!
7. Citation
If you find this code helpful for your research, please cite our paper.
title={HOTR: End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection with Transformers},
author = {Bumsoo Kim and
Junhyun Lee and
Jaewoo Kang and
Eun-Sol Kim and
Hyunwoo J. Kim},
booktitle = {CVPR},
publisher = {IEEE},
year = {2021}
8. Contact for Issues
Bumsoo Kim, [email protected]
9. License
This project is licensed under the terms of the Apache License 2.0. Copyright 2021 Kakao Brain Corp. All Rights Reserved.