An open-source NLP library: fast text cleaning and preprocessing.


🌴 dobbi 🦕

Takes care of all of this boring NLP stuff

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An open-source NLP library: fast text cleaning and preprocessing.


This library provides a quick and ready-to-use text preprocessing tools for text cleaning and normalization. You can simply remove hashtags, nicknames, emoji, url addresses, punctuation, whitespace and whatever.


To download dobbi, either fork this GitHub repo or simply use Pypi via pip:

$ pip install dobbi


Import the library:

import dobbi


The library uses method chaining in order to simplify text processing:

dobbi.clean() \
    .hashtag() \
    .nickname() \
    .url() \
    .execute('Check here:')

Supported methods and patterns

The process consists of three stages:

  1. Initialization methods: initialize a dobbi Work object
  2. Intermediate methods: chain patterns in the needed order
  3. Terminal methods: choose if you need a function or a result

Initialization functions:

  • dobbi.clean()
  • dobbi.collect()
  • dobbi.replace()

Intermediate methods (pattern processing choice):

  • regexp() - custom regular expressions
  • url() - URLs
  • html() - HTML and "<...>" type markups
  • punctuation() - punctuation
  • hashtag() - hashtags
  • emoji() - emoji
  • emoticons() - emoticons
  • whitespace() - any type of whitespaces
  • nickname() - @-starting nicknames

Terminal methods:

  • execute(str) - executes chosen methods on the provided string.
  • function() - returns a function which is a combination of the chosen methods.


1) Clean a random Twitter message

dobbi.clean() \
    .hashtag() \
    .nickname() \
    .url() \
    .execute('#fun #lol    Why  @Alex33 is so funny? Check here:')


'Why is so funny? Check here:'

2) Replace nicknames and urls with tokens

dobbi.replace() \
    .hashtag('') \
    .nickname() \
    .url('__CUSTOM_URL_TOKEN__') \
    .execute('#fun #lol    Why  @Alex33 is so funny? Check here:')


'Why TOKEN_NICKNAME is so funny? Check here: __CUSTOM_URL_TOKEN__'

3) Get the text cleanup function (one-liner)

Please, try to avoid the in-line method chaining, as it is less readable. Do as your heart tells you.

func = dobbi.clean().url().hashtag().punctuation().whitespace().html().function()
func('\t #fun #lol    Why  @Alex33 is so... funny? 


'Why Alex33 is so funny Check here'
  1. Chain regexp methods
dobbi.clean() \
    .regexp('#\w+') \
    .regexp('@\w+') \
    .regexp('https?://\S+') \
    .execute('#fun #lol    Why  @Alex33 is so funny? Check here:')


'Why is so funny? Check here:'


Please pay attention that the functions are applied in the order you've specified them. So, you're better to chain .punctuation() as one of the last functions.

Call for collaboration 🤗

If you enjoyed the project I would be grateful if you supported it :)

Below is the list of useful features I would be happy to share with you:

  • Finding bugs
  • Making code optimizations
  • Writing tests
  • Help with new features development
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