Create a static HTML/CSS image gallery from a bunch of images.



Create a static HTML/CSS image gallery from a bunch of images.

Copyright: 2007-2021 Jochen Kupperschmidt
License: MIT, see LICENSE for details.


  • Integrates ImageMagick to resize images and create thumbnails.
  • Generates clean, slim, semantically appropriate HTML5 and uses CSS 3 for styling. As a result, the output can easily be themed.
  • Provides HTML access keys for keyboard navigation.
  • Optimizes images to reduce size and remove metadata.



It is recommended to create a virtual environment and run gallerize inside it.

To install ImageMagick, jpegoptim, and virtualenv on Debian/Ubuntu:

$ aptitude install imagemagick jpegoptim python-virtualenv

This should also give you a copy of pip.

Create a virtual environment called venv in the application path:

$ virtualenv venv

Activate it (note the space after the first dot!):

$ . venv/bin/activate

Install the dependencies of this application:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Install gallerize itself:

$ pip install -e .


Install test dependencies:

$ pip install -r requirements-test.txt

Run tests:

$ pytest


To create a gallery in the directory output from a all images in the directory images:

$ gallerize output/ images/*

See the usage help for more information on specifying a gallery title, image captions, image dimensions, and more:

$ gallerize --help
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