Offline Reverse Image Search
This app finds duplicate to near duplicate images by generating a hash value for each image stored with a specialized data structure called VP-Tree which makes searching an image on a dataset of 100Ks almost instantanious
Online Examples
Online examples of this are Google images & TinEye which return near duplicate results from images they indexed across the web
App UI & example
On the left you can see the given image (for the example it's slightly different from the original) and on the right the result
- Python 3.7+ (haven't tested with older versions)
Requirements & installation
required versions of the Python 3 modules can be found on the requirements.txt
Pyqt6 is used but works with PyQt5 too if you update the
file modules import
pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
pip3 install -r /path/to/requirements.txt
to start
First run:
settings.ini will be created on the directory
Hashing Pickle & VPTree pickle files will be created on the first index
More detail & Credits
Special Thanks to Adrian Rosebrock for his tutorials that made this possible
Detailed Guide how everything works and step by step make your own