Python library that finds the size / type of an image given its URI by fetching as little as needed


FastImage travis

This is an implementation of the excellent Ruby library FastImage - but for Python.

FastImage finds the size or type of an image given its uri by fetching as little as needed.


pip install fastimage


Usage is pretty dang simple.

import asyncio
from fastimage.detect import get_size

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
url = ""
width, height = loop.run_until_complete(get_size(url))
print("Size:", width, "x", height)

which will poop out:

Size: 266 x 56

You can also just get the image type:

import asyncio
from fastimage.detect import get_type

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
url = ""
result = loop.run_until_complete(get_type(url))
print("Type:", result)

which will poop out:

Type: gif

Right now, sizes can be deduced from webp / gif / jpg / png. Additionally, it can detect the type (but not size) of bmp / tiff.

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