Deep Learning for Computer Vision final project


Deep Learning for Computer Vision final project

Team: DLCV1

Member & Contribution:

  • 林彥廷 (R06943184): 主程式撰寫、模型訓練 (50%)
  • 王擎天 (R06945055): 副程式撰寫、模型訓練、海報設計 (50%)


This project contains code to predict image's type from different domain using moment matching.



  • script: folder contains scripts
  • src: folder contains source code
  • model: folder contains saved models which automatically download from network


  • script/ script which downloads training and testing dataset
  • script/ script which downloads googledrive data
  • script/ script which loads training dataset and converts to torch dataset
  • script/ script which predicts images
  • script/ script which evaluates the model
  • script/ script which generates mini-batch average validation accuracy and loss plot
  • src/models/ classifier model
  • src/models/ loss function
  • src/models/ pretrained model
  • src/models/ Model and function for prediction and evaluation
  • src/ load data in folder and convert them to torch dataset
  • src/ prediction main function
  • src/ evaluation main function
  • src/ training function
  • src/ code for parsing and saving
  • src/util/ customized dataloader
  • src/util/ code for visualization
  • src/ function to create image path csv file for image folder


Download training and testing dataset to folder named "dataset_public":

bash ./script/


You MUST use src/ to create image-path csv file for image folder which hasn't contain image-path csv file, the usage will teach you how to use it!!!


Create image-path csv file for image folder:

User can use this script to create image-path csv file

python3 src/ $1
  • $1 is the folder containing the images

Example: (path: /home/final-dlcv1)

python3 src/ dataset_public/test

The result will look like following text: image_name,label test/018764.jpg,-1 test/034458.jpg,-1 test/050001.jpg,-1 test/027193.jpg,-1 test/002637.jpg,-1 test/017265.jpg,-1 test/048396.jpg,-1 test/013178.jpg,-1 test/036777.jpg,-1 ......

Predict labels of images:

User can use this script to predict labels of images

bash ./script/ $1 $2 $3 $4 $5
  • $1 is the domain of images (Option: infograph, quickdraw, real, sketch)
  • $2 is the folder containing the images
  • $3 is the csv file contains image paths
  • $4 is the folder to saved the result file
  • $5 is the batch size

Example 1: Predict images from real domain (path: /home/final-dlcv1)

bash script/ real dataset_public dataset_public/test/image_path.csv predict 256

Example 2: Predict images from sketch domain (path: /home/final-dlcv1)

bash script/ sketch dataset_public dataset_public/sketch/sketch_test.csv predict 256

Example 3: Predict images from infograph domain (path: /home/final-dlcv1)

bash script/ infograph dataset_public dataset_public/infograph/infograph_test.csv predict 256

Example 4: Predict images from quickdraw domain (path: /home/final-dlcv1)

bash script/ quickdraw dataset_public dataset_public/quickdraw/quickdraw_test.csv predict 256

Evaluate the result file:

User can use this script to evaluate the reuslt file with answer file, it will print result on the screen

bash ./script/ $1 $2
  • $1 is the predicted file csv
  • $2 is the answer file csv

Example (path:/home/final-dlcv1)

bash ./script/ predict/real_predict.csv test/test_answer.csv


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