Official Implementation for the paper DeepFace-EMD: Re-ranking Using Patch-wise Earth Mover’s Distance Improves Out-Of-Distribution Face Identification


DeepFace-EMD: Re-ranking Using Patch-wise Earth Mover’s Distance Improves Out-Of-Distribution Face Identification

Official Implementation for the paper DeepFace-EMD: Re-ranking Using Patch-wise Earth Mover’s Distance Improves Out-Of-Distribution Face Identification (2021) by Hai Phan and Anh Nguyen.

If you use this software, please consider citing:

  title={DeepFace-EMD: Re-ranking Using Patch-wise Earth Mover’s Distance Improves Out-Of-Distribution Face Identification},
  author={Hai Phan, Anh Nguyen},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.04016},

1. Requirements

Python >= 3.5
Pytorch > 1.0
Opencv >= 3.4.4
pip install tqmd

2. Download datasets and pretrained models

  1. Download LFW, out-of-distribution (OOD) LFW test sets, and pretrained models: Google Drive

  2. Create the following folders:

mkdir data
mkdir pretrained
  1. Extract LFW datasets (e.g. lfw_crop_96x112.tar.gz) to data/
  2. Copy models (e.g. resnet18_110.pth) to pretrained/

3. How to run

3.1 Run examples

  • Run testing LFW images

    • -mask, -sunglass, -crop: flags for using corresponding OOD query images (i.e., faces with masks or sunglasses or randomly-cropped images).
  • Run demo: The demo gives results of top-5 images of stage 1 and stage 2 (including flow visualization of EMD).

    • -mask: image retrieval using a masked-face query image given a gallery of normal LFW images.
    • -sunglass and -crop: similar to the setup of -mask.
    • The results will be saved in the results/demo directory.
  • Run retrieval using the full LFW gallery

    • Set the argument args.data_folder to data in .sh files.

3.2 Reproduce results

  • Make sure lfw-align-128 and lfw-align-128-crop70 dataset in data/ directory (e.g. data/lfw-align-128-crop70), ArcFace [2] model resnet18_110.pth in pretrained/ directory (e.g. pretrained/resnet18_110.pth). Run the following commands to reproduce the Table 1 results in our paper.

    • Arguments:

      • Methods can be apc, uniform, or sc
      • -l: 4 or 8 for 4x4 and 8x8 respectively.
      • -a: alpha parameter mentioned in the paper.
    • Normal LFW with 1680 classes:

    python -method apc -fm arcface -d lfw_1680 -a -1 -data_folder data -l 4
    • LFW-crop:
    python -method apc -fm arcface -d lfw -a 0.7 -data_folder data -l 4 -crop 
    • Note: The full LFW dataset have 5,749 people for a total of 13,233 images; however, only 1,680 people have two or more images (See LFW for details). However, in our normal LFW dataset, the identical images will not be considered in face identification. So, the difference between lfw and lfw_1680 is that the lfw setup uses the full LFW (including people with a single image) but the lfw_1680 uses only 1,680 people who have two or more images.
  • For other OOD datasets, run the following command:

    • LFW-mask:
    python -method apc -fm arcface -d lfw -a 0.7 -data_folder data -l 4 -mask 
    • LFW-sunglass:
    python -method apc -fm arcface -d lfw -a 0.7 -data_folder data -l 4 -sunglass 

3.3 Run visualization with two images

python -method [methods] -fm [face models] -model_path [model dir] -in1 [1st image] -in2 [2nd image] -weight [1/0: showing weight heatmaps] 

The results are in results/flow and results/heatmap (if -weight flag is on).

3.4 Use your own images

  1. Facial alignment. See for details.
pip install scikit-image
pip install face-alignment
  • For making face alignment with size of 160x160 for Arcface (128x128) and FaceNet (160x160), the reference points are as follow (see function alignment in
ref_pts = [ [61.4356, 54.6963],[118.5318, 54.6963], [93.5252, 90.7366],[68.5493, 122.3655],[110.7299, 122.3641]]
crop_size = (160, 160)
  1. Create a folder including all persons (folders: name of person) and put it to '/data'
  2. Create a txt file with format: [image_path],[label] of that folder (See lfw file for details)
  3. Modify face loader: Add your txt file in function: get_face_dataloader.

4. License


5. References

  1. W. Zhao, Y. Rao, Z. Wang, J. Lu, Zhou. Towards interpretable deep metric learning with structural matching, ICCV 2021 DIML
  2. J. Deng, J. Guo, X. Niannan, and StefanosZafeiriou. Arcface: Additive angular margin loss for deepface recognition, CVPR 2019 Arcface Pytorch
  3. H. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. Zhou, X. Ji, DihongGong, J. Zhou, Z. Li, W. Liu. Cosface: Large margin cosine loss for deep face recognition, CVPR 2018 CosFace Pytorch
  4. F. Schroff, D. Kalenichenko, J. Philbin. Facenet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering. CVPR 2015 FaceNet Pytorch
  5. L. Weiyang, W. Yandong, Y. Zhiding, L. Ming, R. Bhiksha, S. Le. SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition, CVPR 2017 sphereface, sphereface pytorch
  6. Chi Zhang, Yujun Cai, Guosheng Lin, Chunhua Shen. Deepemd: Differentiable earth mover’s distance for few-shotlearning, CVPR 2020 paper
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