A Python Tools to imaging the shallow seismic structure



Tools to imaging the shallow seismic structure, above 10 km, based on the ZH ratio measured from the ambient seismic noise, and P polarization from tele-seismic P wave


First clone this repository or download code on machine where you would like to setup.

- Clone the repo

$ git clone https://github.com/SeisPider/ShallowSeismicImaging.git
$ cd ShallowSeismicImaging

- Install Python


- Instal SAC


- Install requirements.txt

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Above command will install all the dependencies of project.

Folder structure

├── Noise.ZHratio.Measurement             # Measurment technique to obtain ZH ratio from ambient seismic noise
│   ├── Measurement                       # Measurement of ZH ratio
│   │   ├── Step1.Measurement.py         
│   │   ├── Step2.Constrain.moveavg.py
│   │   ├── Step3.Decomposition.py
│   │   ├── __pycache__
│   │   ├── info                          # Info. of seismic stations to measure
│   │   ├── measured.new3.Verification    # Verification for measurement result
│   │   ├── run.test.sh
│   │   └── utils.py                    
│   ├── data
│   │   └── getData.py
│   └── src                               # Source code for measurement
│       ├── Noise.py
│       ├── __init__.py
│       ├── __pycache__
│       └── utils.py
├── Polarization.Analysis                 # Measurement and inverison of P wave polarization
│   ├── analysis
│   │   ├── MOD.Verification
│   │   ├── POL.Verification
│   │   ├── Step1.Ppicks.py               # Automatic pick P arrival
│   │   ├── Step2.MeasureP.py             # Measure P apparent polariztaion angle
│   │   ├── Step3.PureInvertS.py          # Inversion for the Near-surface Vs 
│   │   ├── info                          # Info. of seismic stations to measure P polarization 
│   │   └── src
│   └── data
│       └── getData.py
├── README.md
└── requirements.txt


If you face any problem or issue in configuration or usage of poolagency project as per the instruction documented above, Please feel free to communicate with ShallowSeismicImaging Development Team.


  1. Xiao X, Cheng S, Wu J, et al. Shallow seismic structure beneath the continental China revealed by P-wave polarization, Rayleigh wave ellipticity and receiver function[J]. Geophysical Journal International, 2021, 225(2): 998-1019.
Xiao Xiao
PhD Candidate in Seismology
Xiao Xiao
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