Source code for the paper "TearingNet: Point Cloud Autoencoder to Learn Topology-Friendly Representations"


TearingNet: Point Cloud Autoencoder to Learn Topology-Friendly Representations

Created by Jiahao Pang, Duanshun Li, and Dong Tian from InterDigital



This repository contains the implementation of our TearingNet paper accepted in CVPR 2021. Given a point cloud dataset containing objects with various genera, or scenes with multiple objects, we propose the TearingNet, which is an autoencoder tackling the challenging task of representing the point clouds using a fixed-length descriptor. Unlike existing works directly deforming predefined primitives of genus zero (e.g., a 2D square patch) to an object-level point cloud, our TearingNet is characterized by a proposed Tearing network module and a Folding network module interacting with each other iteratively. Particularly, the Tearing network module learns the point cloud topology explicitly. By breaking the edges of a primitive graph, it tears the graph into patches or with holes to emulate the topology of a target point cloud, leading to faithful reconstructions.


  • We use Python 3.6, PyTorch 1.3.1 and CUDA 10.0, example commands to set up a virtual environment with anaconda are:
conda create tearingnet python=3.6
conda activate tearingnet
conda install pytorch=1.3.1 torchvision=0.4.2 cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch 
conda install -c open3d-admin open3d
conda install -c conda-forge tensorboardx
conda install -c anaconda h5py

Data Preparation

KITTI Multi-Object Dataset

  • Our KITTI Multi-Object (KIMO) Dataset is constructed with of PCDet (commit 95d2ab5). Please clone and install PCDet, then prepare the KITTI dataset according to their instructions.
  • Assume the name of the cloned folder is PCDet, please replace the create_groundtruth_database() function in by our modified one provided in TearingNet/util/
  • Prepare the KITTI dataset, then generate the data infos according to the instructions in the of PCDet.
  • Create the folders TearingNet/dataset and TearingNet/dataset/kittimulobj then put the newly-generated folder PCDet/data/kitti/kitti_single under TearingNet/dataset/kittimulobj. Also, put the newly-generated file PCDet/data/kitti/kitti_dbinfos_object.pkl under the TearingNet/dataset/kittimulobj folder.
  • Instead of assembling several single-object point clouds together and write down as a multi-object point cloud, we generate the parameters that parameterize the multi-object point clouds then assemble them on the fly during training/testing. To obtain the parameters, run our prepared scripts as follows under the TearingNet folder. These scripts generate the training and testing splits of the KIMO-5 dataset:
./scripts/ ./scripts/gen_data/
./scripts/ ./scripts/gen_data/
  • The file structure of the KIMO dataset after these steps becomes:
      ├── kitti_dbinfos_object.pkl
      ├── kitti_mulobj_param_test_5x5_2048.pkl
      ├── kitti_mulobj_param_train_5x5_2048.pkl
      └── kitti_single
              ├── 0_0_Pedestrian.bin
              ├── 1000_0_Car.bin
              ├── 1000_1_Car.bin
              ├── 1000_2_Van.bin

CAD Model Multi-Object Dataset

    ├── cadmulobj
    ├── kittimulobj
    ├── modelnet40
    │       └── modelnet40_ply_hdf5_2048
    │                   ├── ply_data_test0.h5
    │                   ├── ply_data_test_0_id2file.json
    │                   ├── ply_data_test1.h5
    │                   ├── ply_data_test_1_id2file.json
    │                   ...
    └── shapenet_part
            ├── shapenetcore_partanno_segmentation_benchmark_v0
            │   ├── 02691156
            │   │   ├── points
            │   │   │   ├── 1021a0914a7207aff927ed529ad90a11.pts
            │   │   │   ├── 103c9e43cdf6501c62b600da24e0965.pts
            │   │   │   ├── 105f7f51e4140ee4b6b87e72ead132ed.pts
  • Extract the "person", "car", "cone" and "plant" models from ModelNet40, and the "motorbike" models from the ShapeNet part dataset, by running the following Python script under the TearingNet folder:
python util/
  • The previous step generates the file TearingNet/dataset/cadmulobj/cad_models.npy, based on which we generate the parameters for the CAMO dataset. To do so, launch the following scripts:
./scripts/ ./scripts/gen_data/
./scripts/ ./scripts/gen_data/
  • The file structure of the CAMO dataset after these steps becomes:
    ├── cad_models.npy
    ├── cad_mulobj_param_test_5x5.npy
    └── cad_mulobj_param_train_5x5.npy



We employ a two-stage training strategy to train the TearingNet. The first step is to train a FoldingNet (E-Net & F-Net in paper). Take the KIMO dataset as an example, launch the following scripts under the TearingNet folder:

./scripts/ ./scripts/experiments/

Having finished the first step, a pretrained model will be saved in TearingNet/results/train_folding_kitti. To load the pretrained FoldingNet into a TearingNet configuration and perform training, launch the following scripts:

./scripts/ ./scripts/experiments/

To see the meanings of the parameters in and, check the Python script TearinNet/util/


To perform the reconstruction experiment with the trained model, launch the following scripts:

./scripts/ ./scripts/experiments/

One may write down the reconstructions in PLY format by setting a positive PC_WRITE_FREQ value. Again, please refer to TearinNet/util/ for the meanings of individual parameters.


To perform the counting experiment with the trained model, launch the following scripts:

./scripts/ ./scripts/experiments/

Citing this Work

Please cite our work if you find it useful for your research:

    title={TearingNet: Point Cloud Autoencoder to Learn Topology-Friendly Representations}, 
    author={Pang, Jiahao and Li, Duanshun, and Tian, Dong}, 
    booktitle={IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)}, 

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