FADNet++: Real-Time and Accurate Disparity Estimation with Configurable Networks


FADNet++: Real-Time and Accurate Disparity Estimation with Configurable Networks

This repository contains the code (in PyTorch) for the "FADNet++" paper.


  1. Introduction
  2. Usage
  3. Results
  4. Acknowledgement
  5. Contacts


We propose an efficient and accurate deep network for disparity estimation named FADNet with three main features:

  • It exploits efficient 2D based correlation layers with stacked blocks to preserve fast computation.
  • It combines the residual structures to make the deeper model easier to learn.
  • It contains multi-scale predictions so as to exploit a multi-scale weight scheduling training technique to improve the accuracy.



Package Installation

  • Execute "sh compile.sh" to compile libraries needed by GANet.
  • Enter "layers_package" and execute "sh install.sh" to install customized layers, including Channel Normalization layer and Resample layer.

We also release the docker version of this project, which has been configured completely and can be used directly. Please refer to this website for the image.

Usage of Scene Flow dataset
Download RGB cleanpass images and its disparity for three subset: FlyingThings3D, Driving, and Monkaa. Organize them as follows:
- FlyingThings3D_release/frames_cleanpass
- FlyingThings3D_release/disparity
- driving_release/frames_cleanpass
- driving_release/disparity
- monkaa_release/frames_cleanpass
- monkaa_release/disparity
Put them in the data/ folder (or soft link). The *train.sh* defaultly locates the data root path as data/.


We use template scripts to configure the training task, which are stored in exp_configs. One sample "fadnet.conf" is as follows:


Parameter Description Options
net network architecture name dispnets, dispnetc, dispnetcss, fadnet, psmnet, ganet
loss loss weight scheduling configuration file depends on the training scheme
outf_model folder name to store the model files \
logf log file name \
lr initial learning rate \
devices GPU device IDs to use depends on the hardware system
dataset dataset name to train sceneflow
train(val)list sample lists for training/validation \
startR the round index to start training (for restarting training from the checkpoint) \
startE the epoch index to start training (for restarting training from the checkpoint) \
batchSize the number of samples per batch \
maxdisp the maximum disparity that the model tries to predict \
model the model file path of the checkpoint \

We have integrated PSMNet and GANet for comparison. The sample configuration files are also given.

To start training, use the following command, dnn=CONFIG_FILE sh train.sh, such as:

dnn=fadnet sh train.sh

You do not need the suffix for CONFIG_FILE.


We have two modes for performance evaluation, test and detect, respectively. test requires that the testing samples should have ground truth of disparity and then reports the average End-point-error (EPE). detect does not require any ground truth for EPE computation. However, detect stores the disparity maps for each sample in the given list.

For the test mode, one can revise test.sh and run sh test.sh. The contents of test.sh are as follows:



python main.py --cuda --net $net --loss $loss --lr $lr \
               --outf $outf_model --logFile $logf \
               --devices $devices --batch_size $batchSize \
               --trainlist $trainlist --vallist $vallist \
               --dataset $dataset --maxdisp $maxdisp \
               --startRound $startR --startEpoch $startE \
               --model $model 

Most of the parameters in test.sh are similar to training. However, you can just ignore parameters, including trainlist, loss, outf_model, since they are not used in the test mode.

For the detect mode, one can revise detect.sh and run sh detect.sh. The contents of detect.sh are as follows:




CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python detecter.py --model $model --rp $outf --filelist $filelist --filepath $filepath --devices 0 --net ${net} 

You can revise the value of outf to change the folder that stores the predicted disparity maps.

Finetuning on KITTI datasets and result submission

We re-use the codes in PSMNet to finetune the pretrained models on KITTI datasets and generate disparity maps for submission. Use finetune.sh and submission.sh to do them respectively.

Pretrained Model

Update: 2020/2/6 We released the pre-trained Scene Flow model.

KITTI 2015 Scene Flow KITTI 2012
/ Google Drive /


Results on Scene Flow dataset

Model EPE GPU Memory during inference (GB) Runtime (ms) on Tesla V100
FADNet 0.83 3.87 48.1
DispNetC 1.68 1.62 18.7
PSMNet 1.09 13.99 399.3
GANet 0.84 29.1 2251.1


If you find the code and paper is useful in your work, please cite our conference paper

  title={{FADNet}: A Fast and Accurate Network for Disparity Estimation},
  author={Wang, Qiang and Shi, Shaohuai and Zheng, Shizhen and Zhao, Kaiyong and Chu, Xiaowen},
  booktitle={2020 {IEEE} International Conference on Robotics and Automation ({ICRA} 2020)},


We acknowledge the following repositories and papers since our project has used some codes of them.


[email protected]

Any discussions or concerns are welcomed!

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