Implementation of different ML Algorithms from scratch, written in Python 3.x


Machine Learning Algorithms

Implementation of different machine learning algorithms written in Python.


Installation of libraries

pip install -r requirements.txt

NOTE: scikit-learn module is used only for accessing the datasets.


python run_{algorithmToRun}.py

NOTE: All scripts have additional command arguments that can be given by the user.

python run_{algorithmToRun}.py --help


This project was initially started to help understand the math and intuition behind different ML algorithms, and why they work or don't work, for a given dataset. I started it with just implementing different versions of gradient descent for Linear Regression. I also wanted to visualize the training process, to get a better intuition of what exactly happens during the training process. Over the course of time, more algorithms and visualizations have been added.

Algorithms and Visualizations

Gradient Descent 2D

Gradient Descent 3D

Linear Regression

Linear Regression for a non-linear dataset

This was achieved by adding polynomial features.

Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression for a non-linear dataset

This was achieved by adding polynomial features.

K Nearest Neighbors 2D

K Nearest Neighbors 3D

KMeans 2D

KMeans 3D


Link to first Reddit post

Link to second Reddit post


Sentdex: ML from scratch

Coursera Andrew NG: Machine Learning


  • SVM classification, gaussian kernel
  • Mean Shift
  • PCA
  • DecisionTree
  • Neural Network
Gautam J
18 | AI | ML | DL
Gautam J
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