3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation by Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Networks


3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation by Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Networks



This repository contains the code and models for the following paper.

Monocular 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation by Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Networks
Cheng Yu, Bo Wang, Bo Yang, Robby T. Tan
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2021.

Overview of the proposed method:


  • 06/18/2021 evaluation code of PCK (person-centric) and PCK_abs (camera-centric), and pre-trained model for MuPoTS dataset tested and released



Pytorch >= 1.5
Python >= 3.6

Create an enviroment.

conda create -n 3dmpp python=3.6
conda activate 3dmpp

Install the latest version of pytorch (tested on pytorch 1.5 - 1.7) based on your OS and GPU driver installed following install pytorch. For example, command to use on Linux with CUDA 11.0 is like:

conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch

Install dependencies

pip install - r requirements.txt

Build the Fast Gaussian Map tool:

cd lib/fastgaus
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
cd ../..

Models and Testing Data

Pre-trained Models

Download the pre-trained model and processed human keypoint files here, and unzip the downloaded zip file to this project's root directory, two folders are expected to see after doing that (i.e., ./ckpts and ./mupots).

MuPoTS Dataset

MuPoTS eval set is needed to perform evaluation as the results reported in Table 3 in the main paper, which is available on the MuPoTS dataset website. You need to download the mupots-3d-eval.zip file, unzip it, and run get_mupots-3d.sh to download the dataset. After the download is complete, a MultiPersonTestSet.zip is avaiable, ~5.6 GB. Unzip it and move the folder MultiPersonTestSet to the root directory of the project to perform evaluation on MuPoTS test set. Now you should see the following directory structure.

|-- ckpts              <-- the downloaded pre-trained Models
|-- lib
|-- MultiPersonTestSet <-- the newly added MuPoTS eval set
|-- mupots             <-- the downloaded processed human keypoint files
|-- util
|-- 3DMPP_framework.png
|-- calculate_mupots_btmup.py
|-- other python code, LICENSE, and README files


MuPoTS dataset evaluation

3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation Evaluation on MuPoTS Dataset

The following table is similar to Table 3 in the main paper, where the quantitative evaluations on MuPoTS-3D dataset are provided (best performance in bold). Evaluation instructions to reproduce the results (PCK and PCK_abs) are provided in the next section.

Group Methods PCK PCK_abs
Person-centric (relative 3D pose) Mehta et al., 3DV'18 65.0 N/A
Person-centric (relative 3D pose) Rogez et al., IEEE TPAMI'19 70.6 N/A
Person-centric (relative 3D pose) Mehta et al., ACM TOG'20 70.4 N/A
Person-centric (relative 3D pose) Cheng et al., ICCV'19 74.6 N/A
Person-centric (relative 3D pose) Cheng et al., AAAI'20 80.5 N/A
Camera-centric (absolute 3D pose) Moon et al., ICCV'19 82.5 31.8
Camera-centric (absolute 3D pose) Lin et al., ECCV'20 83.7 35.2
Camera-centric (absolute 3D pose) Zhen et al., ECCV'20 80.5 38.7
Camera-centric (absolute 3D pose) Li et al., ECCV'20 82.0 43.8
Camera-centric (absolute 3D pose) Cheng et al., AAAI'21 87.5 45.7
Camera-centric (absolute 3D pose) Our method 89.6 48.0

Run evaluation on MuPoTS dataset with estimated 2D joints as input

We split the whole pipeline into several separate steps to make it more clear for the users.

python calculate_mupots_topdown_pts.py
python calculate_mupots_topdown_depth.py
python calculate_mupots_btmup.py
python calculate_mupots_integrate.py

Please note that python calculate_mupots_btmup.py is going to take a while (30-40 minutes depending on your machine).

To evaluate the person-centric 3D multi-person pose estimation:

python eval_mupots_pck.py

After running the above code, the following PCK (person-centric, pelvis-based origin) value is expected, which matches the number reported in Table 3, PCK = 89 (percentage) in the paper.

Seq: 18
Seq: 19
Seq: 20
PCK_MEAN: 0.8994453169938017

To evaluate camera-centric (i.e., camera coordinates) 3D multi-person pose estimation:

python eval_mupots_pck_abs.py

After running the above code, the following PCK_abs (camera-centric) value is expected, which matches the number reported in Table 3, PCK_abs = 48 (percentage) in the paper.

Seq: 18
Seq: 19
Seq: 20
PCK_MEAN: 0.48514110933606175


The code is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


If this work is useful for your research, please cite our paper.

    author    = {Cheng, Yu and Wang, Bo and Yang, Bo and Tan, Robby T.},
    title     = {Monocular 3D Multi-Person Pose Estimation by Integrating Top-Down and Bottom-Up Networks},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {7649-7659}
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