A PyTorch implementation of "TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos?"


TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos?

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A PyTorch implementation of TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos? [1-2]. Unlike another Unofficial PyTorch implementation [3], our version is heavily borrowed from the official implementation [4] and TensorFlow implementation[5], and try to keep consistent with them.


You can access the TokenLearner and TokenLearnerModuleV11 class from the tokenlearner file. You can use this layer with a Vision Transformer, MLPMixer, or Video Vision Transformer as done in the paper.

import torch
from tokenlearner import TokenLearner

tklr = TokenLearner(in_channels=128, num_tokens=8, use_sum_pooling=False)

x = torch.ones(256, 32, 32, 128)  # [bs, h, w, c]
y1 = tklr(x)
print(y1.shape)  # [256, 8, 128]

You can also use TokenLearnerModuleV11, which aligns with the official implementation.

import torch
from tokenlearner import TokenLearnerModuleV11

tklr_v11 = TokenLearnerModuleV11(in_channels=128, num_tokens=8, num_groups=4, dropout_rate=0.)

tklr_v11.eval()  # control droput
x = torch.ones(256, 32, 32, 128)   # [bs, h, w, c]
y2 = tklr_v11(x)
print(y2.shape)  # [256, 8, 128]


[1] TokenLearner: What Can 8 Learned Tokens Do for Images and Videos?; Ryoo et al.; arXiv 2021; https://arxiv.org/abs/2106.11297

[2] TokenLearner: Adaptive Space-Time Tokenization for Videos; Ryoo et al., NeurIPS 2021; https://openreview.net/forum?id=z-l1kpDXs88

[3] Unofficial PyTorch implementation

[4] official implementation

[5] TensorFlow implementation

Caiyong Wang
Ph.D., Lecturer
Caiyong Wang
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