Low rank solvers #################################### benchmark/ : folder with the random instances used in the paper. #################################### code/ : folder that contains the code. Usage : ./mixing INPUT_INSTANCE OPTIONS OPTIONS : solver : "1" for LR-LAS "2" for LR-BCD rank : "-1" for running with rank r = ceil(sqrt(2n)) "k" for running with rank r = k rounding : "k" for computing the best integer solution value with k rounding schemes example : ./mixing ../benchmark/rd50-3-sparse-0.wcsp 1 -1 50 OUTPUT : [Upper bound value] [lower bound value] [cpu time] [Best upper bound value after rounding schemes] [cpu time rounding schemes] Eigen3 must be installed and the path to eigen3 must be updated in the makefile.
Efficient semidefinite bounds for multi-label discrete graphical models.
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