The offcial repository for 'CharacterBERT and Self-Teaching for Improving the Robustness of Dense Retrievers on Queries with Typos', SIGIR2022



The offcial repository for CharacterBERT and Self-Teaching for Improving the Robustness of Dense Retrievers on Queries with Typos, Shengyao Zhuang and Guido Zuccon, SIGIR2022


Our code is developed based on Tevatron DR training toolkit (v0.0.1).

First clone this repository and then install with pip: pip install --editable .

Note: The current code base has been tested with, torch==1.8.1, faiss-cpu==1.7.1, transformers==4.9.2, datasets==1.11.0, textattack=0.3.4

Preparing data and model

Typo queries and dataset

All the queries and qrels used in our paper are in the /data folder.

Download CharacterBERT

Download CharacterBERT trained with general domain with this link.


CharacterBERT-DR + ST training

python -m tevatron.driver.train \
--model_name_or_path bert-base-uncased \
--character_bert_path ./general_character_bert \
--output_dir model_msmarco_characterbert_st \
--passage_field_separator [SEP] \
--save_steps 40000 \
--dataset_name Tevatron/msmarco-passage \
--fp16 \
--per_device_train_batch_size 16 \
--learning_rate 5e-6 \
--max_steps 150000 \
--dataloader_num_workers 10 \
--cache_dir ./cache \
--logging_steps 150 \
--character_query_encoder True \
--self_teaching True

If you want to do typo augmentation training introduced in our previous paper. Replace --self_teaching True with --typo_augmentation True.

If you want to train a standard BERT DR intead of CharacterBERT DR, remove --character_bert_path and --character_query_encoder arguments.

If you do not want to train the model, we provide our trained model checkpoints for you to download:

Model Checkpoints
StandardBERT-DR + Aug
StandardBERT-DR + ST
CharacterBERT-DR + Aug
CharacterBERT-DR + ST


Encode queries and corpus

After you have the trained model, you can run the following command to encode queries and corpus into dense vectors:

mkdir msmarco_charcterbert_st_embs
# encode query
python -m tevatron.driver.encode \
  --output_dir=temp \
  --model_name_or_path model_msmarco_characterbert_st/checkpoint-final \
  --fp16 \
  --per_device_eval_batch_size 128 \
  --encode_in_path data/dl-typo/query.typo.tsv \
  --encoded_save_path msmarco_charcterbert_st_embs/query_dltypo_typo_emb.pkl \
  --q_max_len 32 \
  --encode_is_qry \
  --character_query_encoder True

# encode corpus
for s in $(seq -f "%02g" 0 19)
python -m tevatron.driver.encode \
  --output_dir=temp \
  --model_name_or_path model_msmarco_characterbert_st/checkpoint-final \
  --fp16 \
  --per_device_eval_batch_size 128 \
  --p_max_len 128 \
  --dataset_name Tevatron/msmarco-passage-corpus \
  --encoded_save_path model_msmarco_characterbert_st/corpus_emb.${s}.pkl \
  --encode_num_shard 20 \
  --encode_shard_index ${s} \
  --cache_dir cache \
  --character_query_encoder True \
  --passage_field_separator [SEP]

If you are using our provided model checkpoints, change --model_name_or_path to the downloaded model path. If you running inference with standard BERT, remove --character_query_encoder True argument.


Run the following commands to generate ranking file and convert it to TREC format:

python -m tevatron.faiss_retriever \
--query_reps model_msmarco_characterbert_st/query_dltypo_typo_emb.pkl \
--passage_reps model_msmarco_characterbert_st/'corpus_emb.*.pkl' \
--depth 1000 \
--batch_size -1 \
--save_text \
--save_ranking_to character_bert_st_dltypo_typo_rank.txt

python -m tevatron.utils.format.convert_result_to_trec \
              --input character_bert_st_dltypo_typo_rank.txt \
              --output character_bert_st_dltypo_typo_rank.txt.trec


We use trec_eval to evaluate the results:

trec_eval -l 2 -m ndcg_cut.10 -m map -m recip_rank data/dl-typo/qrels.txt character_bert_st_dltypo_typo_rank.txt.trec

If you use our provided CharacterBERT-DR + ST checkpoint, you will get:

map                     all     0.3483
recip_rank              all     0.6154
ndcg_cut_10             all     0.4730

We note that if you train the model by yourself, you may get slightly different results due to the randomness of dataloader and Tevatron self-contained msmarco-passage training dataset has been updated. We also note that, for our DL-typo dataset, the top10 passages are all judged in the ranking file generated by our provided checkpoints. Hence newly trained model may not comparable as there will be unjudged top10 passages in its ranking file.

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