The team of 20 people for HackBio'2021 Virtual Bioinformatics Internship -
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This is the main repository for the Stage_0 task for the HackBio'2021 Virtual Internship Experience for #Team-Greider.
The Main goal of the project is write small scripts in different languages with the output:name, e-mail, slack_username, biostack,
. Next step is to make csv file with rows corresponding to the person and columns to the values (as name, e-mail, etc) ysing different scripts. All members of the team will fork the Github Repository and make the neccesary commits for task for Stage_0. This README.md contains all the necessary information to replicate the workflows for this task.
Getting Started
- Julia
- Ruby
- Java
- Python
- GCC and G++ compilers. Available via standard package managers
- R
- Node.JS for javascript
- Linux (awk command must be recognisable in shell)
The main goal of the project is to create a bash script that will clone the repo and produce a csv file with the participants' personal information. For this goal no installation is required, however check if all dependencies are satisfied. Please download the following script csv-populator.sh
. Downloading and running the script can be done from a terminal with the following command:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ssiddhantsharma/team-greider/master/csv-populator.sh && sh csv-populator.sh
- Python - .py
- Julia - .jl
- C++ - .cpp
- C# - .cs
- Java - .java
- C - .c
- R - .R
- Ruby - .rb
I am a newbie...
Everyone began from something (: Actually the language in this task doesn't matter, as the script is very simple. You can search smth similar to "write hello world script in language_of_interest ".
A good start is to become more familiar with R or Python. Both of these languages are extremely popular within the bioinformatics community. See templates for "Hello world script" for R and Python.
Unified template for output for #Team-Greider
Desired fields (for this task) can be printed out in many different ways. Therefore I propose a unified template for your script output:
NAME: *Your full name*
E-MAIL: *Your e-mail*
SLACK USERNAME: @+*username*
BIOSTACK: *Name of biostack you chose*
TWITTER: @+*username*
An example:
NAME: Siddhant Sharma
E-MAIL: [email protected]
BIOSTACK: Medicinal Chemistry and Cheminformatics
TWITTER: @sidd2508
After you get the desired output, please name your file stage_0_slack-username
An example: stage_0_Siddhant.R
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated