Main repository for the HackBio'2021 Virtual Internship Experience for #Team-Greider ❤️


Hello 🤟 #Team-Greider

The team of 20 people for HackBio'2021 Virtual Bioinformatics Internship 💝 🖨️

  • 👨‍💻 HackBio:

  • 💬 Ask us about Anything Science! We are your friendly neighborhood science people 🔬

  • Fun fact We are a diverse community from many nations 🤗

  • 📫 How to reach us? [email protected]


GitHub last commit Contributions welcome Maintenance PRs Welcome License


This is the main repository for the Stage_0 task for the HackBio'2021 Virtual Internship Experience for #Team-Greider.
The Main goal of the project is write small scripts in different languages with the output: name, e-mail, slack_username, biostack, . Next step is to make csv file with rows corresponding to the person and columns to the values (as name, e-mail, etc) ysing different scripts. All members of the team will fork the Github Repository and make the neccesary commits for task for Stage_0. This contains all the necessary information to replicate the workflows for this task.

🧬 Getting Started


📎 Workflow

🔧 Usage

The main goal of the project is to create a bash script that will clone the repo and produce a csv file with the participants' personal information. For this goal no installation is required, however check if all dependencies are satisfied. Please download the following script Downloading and running the script can be done from a terminal with the following command:

wget && sh

⚗️ Languages

  • Python - .py
  • Julia - .jl
  • C++ - .cpp
  • C# - .cs
  • Java - .java
  • C - .c
  • R - .R
  • Ruby - .rb

I am a newbie...

Everyone began from something (: Actually the language in this task doesn't matter, as the script is very simple. You can search smth similar to "write hello world script in language_of_interest ".

A good start is to become more familiar with R or Python. Both of these languages are extremely popular within the bioinformatics community. See templates for "Hello world script" for R and Python.

Unified template for output for #Team-Greider

Desired fields (for this task) can be printed out in many different ways. Therefore I propose a unified template for your script output:

NAME: *Your full name*
E-MAIL: *Your e-mail* 
SLACK USERNAME: @+*username*
BIOSTACK: *Name of biostack you chose*
TWITTER: @+*username*

An example:

NAME: Siddhant Sharma
E-MAIL: [email protected]
BIOSTACK: Medicinal Chemistry and Cheminformatics
TWITTER: @sidd2508

After you get the desired output, please name your file stage_0_slack-username
An example:

🚀 Contributing

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated 🎉 Working on your first Pull Request? How to Contribute to an Open Source Project on GitHub

Siddhant Sharma
Comp Chemistry and Origins of Life 📡| Open Source at @twilio| 👨‍🔬 📈
Siddhant Sharma
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