Simple, Fast, Powerful and Easily extensible python package for extracting patterns from text, with over than 60 predefined Regular Expressions.



Simple, Fast, Powerful and Easily extensible python package for extracting patterns from text, with over than 60 predefined Regular Expressions.

This library offers the capabilities:

  • A set of predefined patterns with the most useful regex.
  • Extend the patterns, by adding user defined regex.
  • Find and extarct patterns from text
  • Pandas' Dataframe support.
  • Sort the results of extraction.
  • Summarize the results of extraction.
  • Display extractions by visualy rich text annotation.
  • Build complex extraction rules based on regex (in future release).


To install the last version of patterns-finder library, use pip:

pip install patterns-finder


Find a pattern in the text

Just import patterns, like emoji from patterns_finder.patterns.web, then you can use them to find pattern in text:

from patterns_finder.patterns.web import emoji, url, email 

emoji.find("the quick #A52A2A 🦊 jumped 3 times over the lazy 🐶 ")
# Output:
# [(18, 19, 'EMOJI', '🦊'), (49, 50, 'EMOJI', '🐶')]

url.find("The lazy 🐶 has a website ")
# Output:
# [(25, 45, 'URL', '')]

email.find("[email protected] is the email of 🦊 ")
# Output:
# [(0, 19, 'EMAIL', '[email protected]')]

The results provided by the method find for each of pattern are in the form:

[(0, 19, 'EMAIL', '[email protected]')]
  ^  ^       ^          ^ 
  |  |       |          |
 Offset      |          └ Text matching the pattern
  |  |       └ Label of the pattern
  |  └ End index
  └ Start index in the text

Find multiple patterns in the text

To search for different patterns in the text we can use the method finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns) as follows:

from patterns_finder import finder
from patterns_finder.patterns.web import emoji, url, color_hex
from patterns_finder.patterns.number import integer

patterns = [emoji, color_hex, integer]
text = "the quick #A52A2A 🦊 jumped 3 times over the lazy 🐶 "
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns)
# Output:
# [(18, 19, 'EMOJI', '🦊'),
#  (49, 50, 'EMOJI', '🐶'),
#  (10, 17, 'COLOR_HEX', '#A52A2A'),
#  (12, 14, 'INTEGER', '52'),
#  (15, 16, 'INTEGER', '2'),
#  (27, 28, 'INTEGER', '3')]

Find user defined patterns in the text

To define new pattern you can use any regex pattern that are supported by the regex and re packages of python. User defined patterns can be writen in the form of string regex pattern or tuple of string ('regex pattern', 'label').

patterns = [web.emoji, "quick|lazy", ("\\b[a-zA-Z]+\\b", "WORD") ]
text = "the quick #A52A2A 🦊 jumped 3 times over the lazy 🐶 "
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns)
# Output: 
# [(18, 19, 'EMOJI', '🦊'),
#  (49, 50, 'EMOJI', '🐶'),
#  (4, 9, 'quick|lazy', 'quick'),
#  (44, 48, 'quick|lazy', 'lazy'),
#  (0, 3, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (4, 9, 'WORD', 'quick'),
#  (20, 26, 'WORD', 'jumped'),
#  (29, 34, 'WORD', 'times'),
#  (35, 39, 'WORD', 'over'),
#  (40, 43, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (44, 48, 'WORD', 'lazy')]

Sort extraxted patterns

By using the argument sort_by of the method finder.patterns_in_text we can sort the extraction accoring to different options:

  • sort_by=finder.START sorts the results by the start index in the text
patterns = [web.emoji, color_hex, ('\\b[a-zA-Z]+\\b', 'WORD') ]
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns, sort_by=finder.START)
# Output:
# [(0, 3, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (4, 9, 'WORD', 'quick'),
#  (10, 17, 'COLOR_HEX', '#A52A2A'),
#  (18, 19, 'EMOJI', '🦊'),
#  (20, 26, 'WORD', 'jumped'),
#  (29, 34, 'WORD', 'times'),
#  (35, 39, 'WORD', 'over'),
#  (40, 43, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (44, 48, 'WORD', 'lazy'),
#  (49, 50, 'EMOJI', '🐶')]
  • sort_by=finder.END sorts the results by the end index in the text
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns, sort_by=finder.END)
# Output:
# [(0, 3, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (4, 9, 'WORD', 'quick'),
#  (10, 17, 'COLOR_HEX', '#A52A2A'),
#  (18, 19, 'EMOJI', '🦊'),
#  (20, 26, 'WORD', 'jumped'),
#  (29, 34, 'WORD', 'times'),
#  (35, 39, 'WORD', 'over'),
#  (40, 43, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (44, 48, 'WORD', 'lazy'),
#  (49, 50, 'EMOJI', '🐶')]
  • sort_by=finder.LABEL sorts the results by pattern's label
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns, sort_by=finder.LABEL)
# Output:
# [(10, 17, 'COLOR_HEX', '#A52A2A'),
#  (18, 19, 'EMOJI', '🦊'),
#  (49, 50, 'EMOJI', '🐶'),
#  (0, 3, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (4, 9, 'WORD', 'quick'),
#  (20, 26, 'WORD', 'jumped'),
#  (29, 34, 'WORD', 'times'),
#  (35, 39, 'WORD', 'over'),
#  (40, 43, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (44, 48, 'WORD', 'lazy')]
  • sort_by=finder.TEXT sorts the results by the extracted text
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns, sort_by=finder.TEXT)
# Output:
# [(10, 17, 'COLOR_HEX', '#A52A2A'),
#  (20, 26, 'WORD', 'jumped'),
#  (44, 48, 'WORD', 'lazy'),
#  (35, 39, 'WORD', 'over'),
#  (4, 9, 'WORD', 'quick'),
#  (0, 3, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (40, 43, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (29, 34, 'WORD', 'times'),
#  (49, 50, 'EMOJI', '🐶'),
#  (18, 19, 'EMOJI', '🦊')]

Summarize results of extraction

By using the argument summary_type, one can choose the desired form of output results.

  • summary_type=finder.NONE retruns a list with all details, without summarization.
patterns = [ color_hex, ('\\b[a-zA-Z]+\\b', 'WORD'), web.emoji ]
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns, summary_type=finder.NONE)
# Output:
# [(10, 17, 'COLOR_HEX', '#A52A2A'),
#  (0, 3, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (4, 9, 'WORD', 'quick'),
#  (20, 26, 'WORD', 'jumped'),
#  (29, 34, 'WORD', 'times'),
#  (35, 39, 'WORD', 'over'),
#  (40, 43, 'WORD', 'the'),
#  (44, 48, 'WORD', 'lazy'),
#  (18, 19, 'EMOJI', '🦊'),
#  (49, 50, 'EMOJI', '🐶')]
  • summary_type=finder.LABEL_TEXT_OFFSET returns a dictionary of patterns labels as keys, with the corresponding offsets and text as values.
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns, summary_type=finder.LABEL_TEXT_OFFSET)
# Output:
# {
#  'COLOR_HEX': [[10, 17, '#A52A2A']],
#  'WORD': [[0, 3, 'the'], [4, 9, 'quick'], [20, 26, 'jumped'], [29, 34, 'times'], [35, 39, 'over'], [40, 43, 'the'], [44, 48, 'lazy']],
#  'EMOJI': [[18, 19, '🦊'], [49, 50, '🐶']]
# }
  • summary_type=finder.LABEL_TEXT returns a dictionary of patterns labels as keys, with the corresponding text (without offset) as values.
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns, summary_type=finder.LABEL_TEXT)
# Output:
# {
#  'COLOR_HEX': ['#A52A2A'],
#  'WORD': ['the', 'quick', 'jumped', 'times', 'over', 'the', 'lazy'],
#  'EMOJI': ['🦊', '🐶']
# }
  • summary_type=finder.TEXT_ONLY returns a list of the extracted text only.
finder.patterns_in_text(text, patterns, summary_type=finder.TEXT_ONLY)
# Output:
# ['#A52A2A', 'the', 'quick', 'jumped', 'times', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', '🦊', '🐶']

Extract patterns from Pandas DataFrame

This package provides the capability to extract patterns from Pandas' DataFrame easily, by using the method finder.patterns_in_df(df, input_col, output_col, patterns, ...).

from patterns_finder import finder
from patterns_finder.patterns import web
import pandas as pd

patterns = [, web.emoji, web.url]

df = pd.DataFrame(data={
    'text': ["the quick #A52A2A 🦊 jumped 3 times over the lazy 🐶",
                    "[email protected] is the email of 🦊",
                    "The lazy 🐶 has a website"],

finder.patterns_in_df(df, "text", "extraction", patterns, summary_type=finder.LABEL_TEXT)
# Output:
# |    | text                                                 | extraction                                          |
# |---:|:-----------------------------------------------------|:----------------------------------------------------|
# |  0 | the quick #A52A2A 🦊 jumped 3 times over the lazy 🐶 | {'EMOJI': ['🦊', '🐶']}                            |
# |  1 | [email protected] is the email of 🦊               | {'EMAIL': ['[email protected]'], 'EMOJI': ['🦊']} |
# |  2 | The lazy 🐶 has a website       | {'EMOJI': ['🐶'], 'URL': ['']}  |

The method finder.patterns_in_df have also the arguments summary_type and sort_by.

List of all predefined patterns

  • Web
from patterns_finder.web import email, url, uri, mailto, html_link, sql, color_hex, copyright, alphanumeric, emoji, username, quotation, ipv4, ipv6
  • Phone
from import generic, uk, us
  • Credit Cards
from patterns_finder.credit_card import generic, visa, mastercard, discover, american_express
  • Numbers
from patterns_finder.number import integer, float, scientific, hexadecimal, percent, roman
  • Currency
from patterns_finder.currency import monetary, symbol, code, name
  • Languages
from patterns_finder.language import english, french, spanish, arabic, hebrew, turkish, russian, german, chinese, greek, japanese, hindi, bangali, armenian, swedish, portoguese, balinese, georgian
  • Time and Date
from patterns_finder.time_date import time, date, year
  • Postal Code
from patterns_finder.postal_code import us, canada, uk, france, spain, switzerland, brazilian


Please email your questions or comments to me.

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  • Add Support for Patents patterns

    Add Support for Patents patterns

    Support Patent patterns w/ first implementation to support Patents globally

    Example usage:

    from patterns_finder.patterns.patents import global_patent
    global_patent.find("Patent US5960368A is titled Method for acid oxidation of radioactive, hazardous, and mixed organic waste materials ")
    # Output:
    # [(7, 16, 'PATENT', 'US5960368A')]

    requesting permission to add the patterns :p

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