scikit-learn wrappers for Python fastText.

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scikit-learn wrappers for Python fastText.

>>> from skift import FirstColFtClassifier
>>> df = pandas.DataFrame([['woof', 0], ['meow', 1]], columns=['txt', 'lbl'])
>>> sk_clf = FirstColFtClassifier(lr=0.3, epoch=10)
>>>[['txt']], df['lbl'])
>>> sk_clf.predict([['woof']])

1   Installation


  • numpy
  • scipy
  • scikit-learn
  • The fasttext Python package
pip install skift

2   Configuration

Because fasttext reads input data from files, skift has to dump the input data into temporary files for fasttext to use. A dedicated folder is created for those files on the filesystem. By default, this storage is allocated in the system temporary storage location (i.e. /tmp on *nix systems). To override this default location, use the SKIFT_TEMP_DIR environment variable:

export SKIFT_TEMP_DIR=/path/to/desired/temp/folder

NOTE: The directory will be created if it does not already exist.

3   Features

4   Wrappers

fastText works only on text data, which means that it will only use a single column from a dataset which might contain many feature columns of different types. As such, a common use case is to have the fastText classifier use a single column as input, ignoring other columns. This is especially true when fastText is to be used as one of several classifiers in a stacking classifier, with other classifiers using non-textual features.

skift includes several scikit-learn-compatible wrappers (for the official fastText Python package) which cater to these use cases.

NOTICE: Any additional keyword arguments provided to the classifier constructor, besides those required, will be forwarded to the fastText.train_supervised method on every call to fit.

4.1   Standard wrappers

These wrappers do not make additional assumptions on input besides those commonly made by scikit-learn classifies; i.e. that input is a 2d ndarray object and such.

  • FirstColFtClassifier - An sklearn classifier adapter for fasttext that takes the first column of input ndarray objects as input.
>>> from skift import FirstColFtClassifier
>>> df = pandas.DataFrame([['woof', 0], ['meow', 1]], columns=['txt', 'lbl'])
>>> sk_clf = FirstColFtClassifier(lr=0.3, epoch=10)
>>>[['txt']], df['lbl'])
>>> sk_clf.predict([['woof']])
  • IdxBasedFtClassifier - An sklearn classifier adapter for fasttext that takes input by column index. This is set on object construction by providing the input_ix parameter to the constructor.
>>> from skift import IdxBasedFtClassifier
>>> df = pandas.DataFrame([[5, 'woof', 0], [83, 'meow', 1]], columns=['count', 'txt', 'lbl'])
>>> sk_clf = IdxBasedFtClassifier(input_ix=1, lr=0.4, epoch=6)
>>>[['count', 'txt']], df['lbl'])
>>> sk_clf.predict([['woof']])

4.2   pandas-dependent wrappers

These wrappers assume the X parameter given to fit, predict, and predict_proba methods is a pandas.DataFrame object:

  • FirstObjFtClassifier - An sklearn adapter for fasttext using the first column of dtype == object as input.
>>> from skift import FirstObjFtClassifier
>>> df = pandas.DataFrame([['woof', 0], ['meow', 1]], columns=['txt', 'lbl'])
>>> sk_clf = FirstObjFtClassifier(lr=0.2)
>>>[['txt']], df['lbl'])
>>> sk_clf.predict([['woof']])
  • ColLblBasedFtClassifier - An sklearn adapter for fasttext taking input by column label. This is set on object construction by providing the input_col_lbl parameter to the constructor.
>>> from skift import ColLblBasedFtClassifier
>>> df = pandas.DataFrame([['woof', 0], ['meow', 1]], columns=['txt', 'lbl'])
>>> sk_clf = ColLblBasedFtClassifier(input_col_lbl='txt', epoch=8)
>>>[['txt']], df['lbl'])
>>> sk_clf.predict([['woof']])

5   Contributing

Package author and current maintainer is Shay Palachy ([email protected]); You are more than welcome to approach him for help. Contributions are very welcomed.

5.1   Installing for development


git clone [email protected]:shaypal5/skift.git

Install in development mode, including test dependencies:

cd skift
pip install -e '.[test]'

To also install fasttext, see instructions in the Installation section.

5.2   Running the tests

To run the tests use:

cd skift

5.3   Adding documentation

The project is documented using the numpy docstring conventions, which were chosen as they are perhaps the most widely-spread conventions that are both supported by common tools such as Sphinx and result in human-readable docstrings. When documenting code you add to this project, follow these conventions.

Additionally, if you update this README.rst file, use python checkdocs to validate it compiles.

6   Credits

Created by Shay Palachy ([email protected]).

Fixes: uniaz, crouffer, amirzamli and sgt.

  • Fix temp dir permission docker error

    Fix temp dir permission docker error

    • Remove dependance on user home directory for temporary storage. User directories ("~/") are not always created for Unix service accounts.
    • Create the temporary directory using tempfile.mkdtemp()
    • Store the directory path in a singleton-like structure accessed via a function call

    This fixes issue by creating the tempdir in an OS/environment agnostic way, and does not rely on the users' home directory being writeable.

    opened by crouffer 12
  • Installing fasttext with skift doesn't work

    Installing fasttext with skift doesn't work

    Tried running this from the README:

    pip install skift[fasttext] --process-dependency-links

    Got this error:

    Collecting fasttext==0.1.0+git.3b5fd29; extra == "fasttext" (from skift[fasttext])
      Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement fasttext==0.1.0+git.3b5fd29; extra == "fasttext" (from skift[fasttext]) (from versions: 0.2.0, 0.2.1, 0.3.0, 0.3.1, 0.4.0, 0.5.0, 0.5.1, 0.5.12, 0.5.13, 0.5.14, 0.5.15, 0.5.16, 0.5.17, 0.5.18, 0.5.19, 0.6.0, 0.6.1, 0.6.2, 0.6.4, 0.7.0, 0.7.1, 0.7.2, 0.7.3, 0.7.4, 0.7.5, 0.7.6, 0.8.0, 0.8.1, 0.8.2, 0.8.3)
     No matching distribution found for fasttext==0.1.0+git.3b5fd29; extra == "fasttext" (from skift[fasttext])

    Tried with Python 3.6.4 in and out of a virtualenv. Seems skift expects to find a version of fasttext that's not available in pypi?

    opened by polm 10
  • error returned during training due to wrong default encoder on Windows 10

    error returned during training due to wrong default encoder on Windows 10


    I am trying to train a supervised text classification model on some text that contains also non-alphanumeric characters

    from skift import FirstColFtClassifier
    sk_clf = FirstColFtClassifier(lr=0.25, dim=100, epoch=100, minCount=5, 
                                  minn=3, maxn=6, wordNgrams=3, loss='softmax'), y_train)

    As soon as the first non alphanumeric character occurs during training I get the following error

    UnicodeEncodeError                        Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-8-05c208efc7be> in <module>()
          4                               minn=3, maxn=6, wordNgrams=3, loss='softmax')
          5 # Train fastText classifier
    ----> 6, y_train)
    ~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\skift\ in fit(self, X, y)
        117         temp_trainset_fpath = temp_dataset_fpath()
        118         input_col = self._input_col(X)
    --> 119         dump_xy_to_fasttext_format(input_col, y, temp_trainset_fpath)
        120         # train
        121         self.model = train_supervised(
    ~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\skift\ in dump_xy_to_fasttext_format(X, y, filepath)
         68     with open(filepath, 'w+') as wfile:
         69         for text, label in zip(X, y):
    ---> 70             wfile.write('__label__{} {}\n'.format(label, text))
    ~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\encodings\ in encode(self, input, final)
         17 class IncrementalEncoder(codecs.IncrementalEncoder):
         18     def encode(self, input, final=False):
    ---> 19         return codecs.charmap_encode(input,self.errors,encoding_table)[0]
         21 class IncrementalDecoder(codecs.IncrementalDecoder):
    UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u010d' in position 493: character maps to <undefined>

    As the error clearly shows, this is due to the fact that is the default encoder used by skift. Even though I am on a Windows OS, I am using Python 3.7 installed with Anaconda 5.3.0, and the standard encoding as far as I know should be UTF-8. (I have already verified that, by simply renaming the encoder as, the model training completes without any error. This is a dirty hack I would like to avoid though, because I plan to operationalize the model in production on Azure ML Studio).

    Is there a way to enforce skift to use as default the encoder?

    Any help appreciated!

    Kind regards

    bug good first issue 
    opened by 86mm86 9
  • Adding model tuning.

    Adding model tuning.

    The cli interface to fasttext to do parameter tuning and model quantization:

    fasttext supervised -input model_train.train -output model_tune -autotune-validation model_train.valid -autotune-modelsize 100M -autotune-duration 1200 -loss one-vs-all

    Do you plan to implement it in your package at some point ? If I can make a pr with a piece of code that does the job

    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by robinicole 7
  • WIP: core: support autotune

    WIP: core: support autotune

    Hi, added support for auto-tuning. Please LMK if you support this direction, and I'll add documentation and more tests to make it a mergeable PR.

    Signed-off-by: Dimid Duchovny [email protected]

    opened by dimidd 4
  • Return ndarrays instead of lists while predicting

    Return ndarrays instead of lists while predicting

    The functions predict, predict_proba return lists instead of numpy arrays which makes them unusable with classifiers like sklearn.multiclass.OneVsRestClassifier. GridSearch and other similar functionality also don't work.

    This is a quick fix.

    bug good first issue 
    opened by uniaz 4
  • Support for string labels

    Support for string labels

    skift seems to expect integer labels and will fail when using string labels.

    For instance, when running

    from skift import FirstColFtClassifier
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame(
            ['woof', 'a'],
            ['meow', 'b'],
            ['squick', 'c'],
        columns=['txt', 'lbl'],
    sk_clf = FirstColFtClassifier(lr=0.3, epoch=10)[['txt']], df['lbl'])

    I get

    ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-32-52a73258e761> in <module>
    ----> 1 sk_clf.predict([['squick']])
    /usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/skift/ in predict(self, X)
        165         return np.array([
        166             self._clean_label(res[0][0])
    --> 167             for res in self._predict(X)
        168         ], dtype=np.float_)
    /usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/skift/ in <listcomp>(.0)
        165         return np.array([
        166             self._clean_label(res[0][0])
    --> 167             for res in self._predict(X)
        168         ], dtype=np.float_)
    /usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/envs/base/lib/python3.7/site-packages/skift/ in _clean_label(ft_label)
        135     @staticmethod
        136     def _clean_label(ft_label):
    --> 137         return int(ft_label[9:])
        139     def _predict_on_str_arr(self, str_arr, k=1):
    ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'c'

    This is a bit unexpected since neither sklearn nor fasttext require integer labels.

    I guess skift could handle that either by:

    • passing the string labels directly to fasttext (caveat: might require some cleaning)
    • automatically calling LabelEncoder (e.g. as in sklearn's code for LR)
    enhancement help wanted good first issue 
    opened by michelole 3
  • utf-8 encoding for xy input file

    utf-8 encoding for xy input file

    fastText assumes UTF-8 encoded text (see fastText Python README).

    Without the encoding flag, the xy input file is written using the system's locale, which is problematic, especially on Windows. Attempting to train a model with text which uses utf-8 symbols results in an exception.

    Passing the flag to open when writing the input file solves this issue.

    opened by sgt 3
  • 1D array input for training

    1D array input for training


    I'm very sorry for asking such a basic question but can't work this one out! Usually, I see other text classifiers taking one of three forms;

    1. (1D) List of strings, if it performs tokenisation and vectorisation itself
    2. (2D) List of tokens if it performs vectorisation itself
    3. (2D) List of vectors if it is just a classifier

    I'm a little confused as the readme does not have a case where multiple tokens are inputted into the model. However, in the tests it appears is that it is trained on a pd.DataFrame for X and a pd.Series for y. I believe fasttext does the tokenisation and vectorisation itself, so why do we need a two dimensional input instead of a 1D list of strings? Is there benefit to doing it that way over something like this;

        ['Input 1', 'Input 2'],
        [1, 0]

    or the equivalent but with 1D numpy arrays?

    Many thanks! Dom

    opened by DomHudson 3
  • os.makedirs(TEMP_DIR, exist_ok=True) causes PermissionError in docker container

    os.makedirs(TEMP_DIR, exist_ok=True) causes PermissionError in docker container

    Running skift in a docker container results in permission errors when trying to load previously generated models.

    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/skift/", line 10, in PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/root/.temp'

    The problem is the docker container is running as user 'root', but the /root/ folder is not writable.

    I have a fix, and will open a pull request shortly

    opened by crouffer 2
  • hyperparameter tuning

    hyperparameter tuning

    how can we tune parameters? in uses autotuneValidationFile to feed validation see to model. how can we set this parameter?

    opened by Alihjt 1
  • Add multi-label support

    Add multi-label support

    Add support to providing multi-label labels in a scikit-learn-compliant format, utilizing (under the hood) fasttext's support for multi-label scenarios.

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by shaypal5 4
Shay Palachy
Interested in doing data science and developing open source tools in Python.
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