基于tensorflow 2.x的图片识别工具集
- 粗粒度场景图片分类
- 细粒度场景图片分类
- 其他场景图片分类
- 模型部署
- tensorflow serving本地推理和docker部署
- tensorRT
- onnx
- ...
- densenet系列
基于tensorflow 2.x的图片识别工具集
Space Time Recurrent Memory Network - Pytorch (wip) Implementation of Space Time Recurrent Memory Network, recurrent network competitive with attentio
AlphaRotate: A Rotation Detection Benchmark using TensorFlow Abstract AlphaRotate is maintained by Xue Yang with Shanghai Jiao Tong University supervi
learned_optimization: Training and evaluating learned optimizers in JAX learned_optimization is a research codebase for training learned optimizers. I
FCN-semantic-segmentation Simple end-to-end semantic segmentation using fully convolutional networks [1]. Takes a pretrained 34-layer ResNet [2], remo
Orthogonalizing Convolutional Layers with the Cayley Transform This repository contains implementations and source code to reproduce experiments for t
Manim is an engine for precise programmatic animations, designed for creating explanatory math videos. Note, there are two versions of manim. This rep
Learning Category-Specific Mesh Reconstruction from Image Collections Angjoo Kanazawa*, Shubham Tulsiani*, Alexei A. Efros, Jitendra Malik University
Diverse Image Captioning with Context-Object Split Latent Spaces This repository is the PyTorch implementation of the paper: Diverse Image Captioning
Blender addon for driving character The addon drives the cartoon character by passing SMPL's poses and global translation into model's armature in Ble
P2PNet (ICCV2021 Oral Presentation) This repository contains codes for the official implementation in PyTorch of P2PNet as described in Rethinking Cou
COLIEE 2021 - task 2: Legal Case Entailment This repository contains the code to reproduce NeuralMind's submissions to COLIEE 2021 presented in the pa
Adaptively Calibrated Critic Estimates for Deep Reinforcement Learning Official implementation of ACC, described in the paper "Adaptively Calibrated C
Bidirectional Projection Network for Cross Dimension Scene Understanding CVPR 2021 (Oral) [ Project Webpage ] [ arXiv ] [ Video ] Existing segmentatio
Domain Aware Universal Style Transfer Official Pytorch Implementation of 'Domain Aware Universal Style Transfer' (ICCV 2021) Domain Aware Universal St
inf-mcpi Backend code to use MCPI's python API to make infinite worlds with custom generation Does not save player-placed blocks! Generation is still
Training BERT with Compute/Time (Academic) Budget This repository contains scripts for pre-training and finetuning BERT-like models with limited time
Fellowship Prediction GitHub Profile Comparative Analysis Tool Built with BentoML Table of Contents: Features Disclaimer Technologies Used Contributin
TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking with Transformers This repository provides the official implementation of the TrackFormer: Multi-Object Tracking wi
[AAAI 2022] Negative Sample Matters: A Renaissance of Metric Learning for Temporal Grounding Official Pytorch implementation of Negative Sample Matter
New Release We released Adversarial training for both LM pre-training/finetuning and f-divergence. Large-scale Adversarial training for LMs: ALUM code