Udacity's CS101: Intro to Computer Science - Building a Search Engine
All solutions to quizzes, homework, and extra homework practice problems are my personal code for Udacity's CS101: Intro to Computer Science taught by David Evans.
All solutions to quizzes, homework, and extra homework practice problems are my personal code for Udacity's CS101: Intro to Computer Science taught by David Evans.
Face-Recognition-Attendence-System I have developed this face recognition Attend
MINERVA Meandering In Networks of Entities to Reach Verisimilar Answers Code and models for the paper Go for a Walk and Arrive at the Answer - Reasoni
Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Representation [Paper] The implementation of our paper Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Representation with Viewpoint and Pose Di
Traffic Monitoring Citation The associated paper for this project will be published here as soon as possible. When using this software, please cite th
🔧 What is it? Wrench is a benchmark platform containing diverse weak supervision tasks. It also provides a common and easy framework for development
Unofficial Implementation of MLP-Mixer, gMLP, resMLP, Vision Permutator, S2MLPv2, RaftMLP, ConvMLP, ConvMixer in Jittor and PyTorch! Now, Rearrange and Reduce in einops.layers.jittor are support!!
Faster-RCNN-pytorch-windows Faster RCNN implementation with pytorch for windows Open cmd, compile this comands: cd lib python setup.py build develop T
x-clip (wip) A concise but complete implementation of CLIP with various experimental improvements from recent papers Install $ pip install x-clip Usag
generate-2D-quadrilateral-mesh-with-neural-networks-and-tree-search This repository contains single-threaded TreeMesh code. I'm Hua Tong, a senior stu
Realtime-YOLO-Monster-Detection-With-Non-Maximum-Supression Table of Contents In
Boundary IoU API (Beta version) Bowen Cheng, Ross Girshick, Piotr Dollár, Alexander C. Berg, Alexander Kirillov [arXiv] [Project] [BibTeX] This API is
Welcome to gplearn! gplearn implements Genetic Programming in Python, with a scikit-learn inspired and compatible API. While Genetic Programming (GP)
asset_snapshot A Blender python script for getting asset browser custom preview images for objects and collections. Installation: Click the code butto
model_galaxy Modelisation on galaxy evolution using PEGASE-HR This is a labwork done in internship at IAP directed by Damien Le Borgne (https://github
Fast MST Algorithm Implementation of fast algorithms for (Maximum Spanning Tree) MST parsing that includes fast ArcMax+Reweighting+Tarjan algorithm fo
sog4onnx Simple ONNX operation generator. Simple Operation Generator for ONNX. https://github.com/PINTO0309/simple-onnx-processing-tools Key concept V
Axel It's our graduation project about 3D printed robotic hands and they control
Beyond a Gaussian Denoiser: Residual Learning of Deep CNN for Image Denoising
Extending JAX with custom C++ and CUDA code This repository is meant as a tutorial demonstrating the infrastructure required to provide custom ops in
RepMLP: Re-parameterizing Convolutions into Fully-connected Layers for Image Recognition (PyTorch) Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.01883 Citation: @