A Python/Pytorch app for easily synthesising human voices
Voice Cloning App A Python/Pytorch app for easily synthesising human voices Documentation Discord Server Video guide Voice Sharing Hub FAQ's System Re
Question answering app is used to answer for a user given question from user given text.
Question answering app is used to answer for a user given question from user given text.It is created using HuggingFace's transformer pipeline and streamlit python packages.
Speech to text streamlit app
Speech to text Streamlit-app! 👄 This speech to text recognition is powered by t
A simple Streamlit App to classify swahili news into different categories.
Swahili News Classifier Streamlit App A simple app to classify swahili news into different categories. Installation Install all streamlit requirements
Treemap visualisation of Maya scene files
Ever wondered which nodes are responsible for that 600 mb+ Maya scene file? Features Fast, resizable UI Parsing at 50 mb/sec Dependency-free, single-f
Uncomplete archive of files from the European Nopsled Team
European Nopsled CTF Archive This is an archive of collected material from various Capture the Flag competitions that the European Nopsled team played
CredData is a set of files including credentials in open source projects
CredData is a set of files including credentials in open source projects. CredData includes suspicious lines with manual review results and more information such as credential types for each suspicious line. CredData can be used to develop new tools or improve existing tools. Furthermore, using the benchmark result of the CredData, users can choose a proper tool among open source credential scanning tools according to their use case.
A Python script that compares files in directories
compare-files A Python script that compares files in different directories, this is similar to the command filecmp.cmp(f1, f2). I made this script in