CoaT: Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers
This repository contains the official code and pretrained models for CoaT: Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers. It introduces (1) a co-scale mechanism to realize fine-to-coarse, coarse-to-fine and cross-scale attention modeling and (2) an efficient conv-attention module to realize relative position encoding in the factorized attention.
For more details, please refer to CoaT: Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers by Weijian Xu*, Yifan Xu*, Tyler Chang, and Zhuowen Tu.
04/23/2021: Pre-trained checkpoint for CoaT-Lite Mini is released.
04/22/2021: Code and pre-trained checkpoint for CoaT-Lite Tiny are released.
Environment Preparation
Set up a new conda environment and activate it.
# Create an environment with Python 3.8. conda create -n coat python==3.8 conda activate coat
Install required packages.
# Install PyTorch 1.7.1 w/ CUDA 11.0. pip install torch==1.7.1+cu110 torchvision==0.8.2+cu110 torchaudio==0.7.2 -f # Install timm 0.3.2. pip install timm==0.3.2 # Install einops. pip install einops
Code and Dataset Preparation
Clone the repo.
git clone cd CoaT
Download ImageNet dataset (ILSVRC 2012) and extract.
# Create dataset folder. mkdir -p ./data/ImageNet # Download the dataset (not shown here) and copy the files (assume the download path is in $DATASET_PATH). cp $DATASET_PATH/ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar $DATASET_PATH/ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar $DATASET_PATH/ILSVRC2012_devkit_t12.tar.gz ./data/ImageNet # Extract the dataset. python -c "from torchvision.datasets import ImageNet; ImageNet('./data/ImageNet', split='train')" python -c "from torchvision.datasets import ImageNet; ImageNet('./data/ImageNet', split='val')" # After the extraction, you should observe `train` and `val` folders under ./data/ImageNet.
Evaluate Pre-trained Checkpoint
We provide the CoaT checkpoints pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset.
Name | [email protected] | [email protected] | #Params | SHA-256 (first 8 chars) | URL |
CoaT-Lite Tiny | 77.5 | 93.8 | 5.7M | e88e96b0 | model, log |
CoaT-Lite Mini | 79.1 | 94.5 | 11M | 6b4a8ae5 | model, log |
The following commands provide an example (CoaT-Lite Tiny) to evaluate the pre-trained checkpoint.
# Download the pretrained checkpoint.
mkdir -p ./output/pretrained
wget -P ./output/pretrained
sha256sum ./output/pretrained/coat_lite_tiny_e88e96b0.pth # Make sure it matches the SHA-256 hash (first 8 characters) in the table.
# Evaluate.
# Usage: bash ./scripts/ [model name] [output folder] [checkpoint path]
bash ./scripts/ coat_lite_tiny coat_lite_tiny_pretrained ./output/pretrained/coat_lite_tiny_e88e96b0.pth
# It should output results similar to "[email protected] 77.504 [email protected] 93.814" at very last.
The following commands provide an example (CoaT-Lite Tiny, 8-GPU) to train the CoaT model.
# Usage: bash ./scripts/ [model name] [output folder]
bash ./scripts/ coat_lite_tiny coat_lite_tiny
The following commands provide an example (CoaT-Lite Tiny) to evaluate the checkpoint after training.
# Usage: bash ./scripts/ [model name] [output folder] [checkpoint path]
bash ./scripts/ coat_lite_tiny coat_lite_tiny_eval ./output/coat_lite_tiny/checkpoints/checkpoint0299.pth
title={Co-Scale Conv-Attentional Image Transformers},
author={Weijian Xu and Yifan Xu and Tyler Chang and Zhuowen Tu},
This repository is released under the Apache License 2.0. License can be found in LICENSE file.
Thanks to DeiT and pytorch-image-models for a clear and data-efficient implementation of ViT. Thanks to lucidrains' implementation of Lambda Networks and CPVT.