Crab - A Python Library for Recommendation Engines This library intends to be a reference for recommendation engines in Python Programming language. It is written in pure python to maximize the cross-platform issue and exposes the recommendation logic to your application by easy to use API REST via web services. The library is extensible, so the user can create new representations, algorithms and the design is optimized for performance. It is also open-source so everyone can use it. If you want to see our plan release/roadmap, please take a look at our Issues Tracker:
This library intends to be a reference for recommendation engines in Python
The source code for "Global Context Enhanced Graph Neural Network for Session-based Recommendation".
GCE-GNN Code This is the source code for SIGIR 2020 Paper: Global Context Enhanced Graph Neural Networks for Session-based Recommendation. Requirement
Price-aware Recommendation with Graph Convolutional Networks,
PUP This is the official implementation of our ICDE'20 paper: Yu Zheng, Chen Gao, Xiangnan He, Yong Li, Depeng Jin, Price-aware Recommendation with Gr
Attentive Social Recommendation: Towards User And Item Diversities
ASR This is a Tensorflow implementation of the paper: Attentive Social Recommendation: Towards User And Item Diversities Preprint,
Movies/TV Recommender
recommender Movies/TV Recommender. Recommends Movies, TV Shows, Actors, Directors, Writers. Setup Create file API_KEY and paste your TMDB API key in i
MusicPlayer 基于个性化推荐的音乐播放系统 Hi, 这是我在大四的时候做的毕设,现如今将该项目开源。 本项目是基于Python的tkinter和pygame所著。 该项目总体来说,代码比较烂(因为当时水平很菜)。 运行的话安装几个基本库就能跑,只不过里面的数据还没有上传至Github。 先
Temporal Meta-path Guided Explainable Recommendation (WSDM2021)
Temporal Meta-path Guided Explainable Recommendation (WSDM2021) TMER Code of paper "Temporal Meta-path Guided Explainable Recommendation". Requirement
fastFM: A Library for Factorization Machines
Citing fastFM The library fastFM is an academic project. The time and resources spent developing fastFM are therefore justified by the number of citat
Persine is an automated tool to study and reverse-engineer algorithmic recommendation systems.
Persine, the Persona Engine Persine is an automated tool to study and reverse-engineer algorithmic recommendation systems. It has a simple interface a
This is our Tensorflow implementation for "Graph-based Embedding Smoothing for Sequential Recommendation" (GES) (TKDE, 2021).
Graph-based Embedding Smoothing (GES) This is our Tensorflow implementation for the paper: Tianyu Zhu, Leilei Sun, and Guoqing Chen. "Graph-based Embe
Incorporating User Micro-behaviors and Item Knowledge 59 60 3 into Multi-task Learning for Session-based Recommendation
MKM-SR Incorporating User Micro-behaviors and Item Knowledge into Multi-task Learning for Session-based Recommendation Paper data and code This is the
It is a movie recommender web application which is developed using the Python.
Movie Recommendation 🍿 System Watch Tutorial for this project Source IMDB Movie 5000 Dataset Inspired from this original repository. Features Simple
Movie Recommender System
Movie-Recommender-System Movie-Recommender-System is a web application using which a user can select his/her watched movie from list and system will r
Graph Neural Networks for Recommender Systems
This repository contains code to train and test GNN models for recommendation, mainly using the Deep Graph Library (DGL).
Code for ICML2019 Paper "Compositional Invariance Constraints for Graph Embeddings"
Dependencies NOTE: This code has been updated, if you were using this repo earlier and experienced issues that was due to an outaded codebase. Please
A Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems
Overview Surprise is a Python scikit for building and analyzing recommender systems that deal with explicit rating data. Surprise was designed with th
Recommendation System to recommend top books from the dataset
recommendersystem Recommendation System to recommend top books from the dataset Introduction The is the main program code. The dataset is als
Reinforcement Knowledge Graph Reasoning for Explainable Recommendation
Reinforcement Knowledge Graph Reasoning for Explainable Recommendation This repository contains the source code of the SIGIR 2019 paper "Reinforcement
Plex-recommender - Get movie recommendations based on your current PleX library
plex-recommender Description: Get movie/tv recommendations based on your current
大规模推荐算法库,包含推荐系统经典及最新算法LR、Wide&Deep、DSSM、TDM、MIND、Word2Vec、DeepWalk、SSR、GRU4Rec、Youtube_dnn、NCF、GNN、FM、FFM、DeepFM、DCN、DIN、DIEN、DLRM、MMOE、PLE、ESMM、MAML、xDeepFM、DeepFEFM、NFM、AFM、RALM、Deep Crossing、PNN、BST、AutoInt、FGCNN、FLEN、ListWise等
(中文文档|简体中文|English) 什么是推荐系统? 推荐系统是在互联网信息爆炸式增长的时代背景下,帮助用户高效获得感兴趣信息的关键; 推荐系统也是帮助产品最大限度吸引用户、留存用户、增加用户粘性、提高用户转化率的银弹。 有无数优秀的产品依靠用户可感知的推荐系统建立了良好的口碑,也有无数的公司依
Self-supervised Graph Learning for Recommendation
SGL This is our Tensorflow implementation for our SIGIR 2021 paper: Jiancan Wu, Xiang Wang, Fuli Feng, Xiangnan He, Liang Chen, Jianxun Lian,and Xing