Pytorch Implementation for NeurIPS (oral) paper: Pixel Level Cycle Association: A New Perspective for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation


Pixel-Level Cycle Association

This is the Pytorch implementation of our NeurIPS 2020 Oral paper Pixel-Level Cycle Association: A New Perspective for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation.


pip install -r ./requirements.txt

We test our codes with two NVIDIA Tesla V100 (32G) GPU cards.


See experiments/data/

Pre-trained Model

Following general practice, our training starts from ResNet-101 backbone pretrained on ImageNet. Please download the weight file and put it under the model directory.


For GTAV to CityScapes:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env ./tools/ --cfg ./experiment/config/g2c_train.yaml --exp_name g2c 

For SYNTHIA to CityScapes:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --use_env ./tools/ --cfg ./experiment/config/s2c_train.yaml --exp_name s2c 

You can also use the shell scripts provided under directory experiment/scripts/ to train your model.


For GTAV to CityScapes:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python ./tools/ --cfg ./experiment/config/g2c_test.yaml --weights ${PATH_TRAINED_WEIGHTS} --exp_name g2c_test

For SYNTHIA to CityScapes:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python ./tools/ --cfg ./experiment/config/s2c_test.yaml --weights ${PATH_TRAINED_WEIGHTS} --exp_name s2c_test

You can also use the shell scripts provided under directory experiment/scripts/ to evaluate your model.

Our trained model for both tasks can be downloaded from PLCA-trained-model with test mIoU 47.8% and 46.9% (16 classes) respectively.


Please cite our paper if you use our code in your research:

  title={Pixel-Level Cycle Association: A New Perspective for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation},
  author={Kang, Guoliang and Wei, Yunchao and Yang, Yi and Zhuang, Yueting and Hauptmann, Alexander G},


If you have any questions, please contact me via [email protected].

Thanks to third party



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