:hot_pepper: R²SQL: "Dynamic Hybrid Relation Network for Cross-Domain Context-Dependent Semantic Parsing." (AAAI 2021)



The PyTorch implementation of paper Dynamic Hybrid Relation Network for Cross-Domain Context-Dependent Semantic Parsing. (AAAI 2021)


The model is tested in python 3.6 with following requirements:


All experiments on SParC and CoSQL datasets were run on NVIDIA V100 GPU with 32GB GPU memory.

  • Tips: The 16GB GPU memory may appear out-of-memory error.


The SParC and CoSQL experiments in two different folders, you need to download different datasets from [SParC | CoSQL] to the {sparc|cosql}/data folder separately. Another related data file could be download from EditSQL. Then, download the database sqlite files from [here] as data/database.

Download Pretrained BERT model from [here] as model/bert/data/annotated_wikisql_and_PyTorch_bert_param/pytorch_model_uncased_L-12_H-768_A-12.bin.

Download Glove embeddings file (glove.840B.300d.txt) and change the GLOVE_PATH for your own path in all scripts.

Download Reranker models from [SParC reranker | CoSQL reranker] as submit_models/reranker_roberta.pt


Train the model from scratch.


Test the model for the concrete checkpoint:


then the dev prediction file will be appeared in results folder, named like save_%d_predictions.json.

Get the evaluation result from the prediction file:


the final result will be appeared in results folder, named *.eval.

Similarly, the CoSQL experiments could be reproduced in same way.

You could download our trained checkpoint and results in here:


If your want train your own reranker model, you could download the training file from here:

Then you could train, test and predict it:


python -m reranker.main --train --batch_size 64 --epoches 50


python -m reranker.main --test --batch_size 64


python -m reranker.predict


We have improved the origin version (descripted in paper) and got more performance improvements 🥳 !

Compare with the origin version, we have made the following improvements:

  • add the self-ensemble strategy for prediction, which use different epoch checkpoint to get final result. In order to easily perform this strategy, we remove the task-related representation in Reranker module.
  • remove the decay function in DCRI, we find that DCRI is unstable with decay function, so we let DCRI degenerate into vanilla cross attention.
  • replace the BERT-based with RoBERTa-based model for Reranker module.

The final performance comparison on dev as follows:

EditSQL 47.2 29.5 39.9 12.3
R²SQL v1 (origin paper) 54.1 35.2 45.7 19.5
R²SQL v2 (this repo) 54.0 35.2 46.3 19.5
R²SQL v2 + ensemble 55.1 36.8 47.3 20.9


Please star this repo and cite paper if you want to use it in your work.


This implementation is based on "Editing-Based SQL Query Generation for Cross-Domain Context-Dependent Questions" EMNLP 2019.

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