Ludwig Benchmarking Toolkit


Ludwig Benchmarking Toolkit

The Ludwig Benchmarking Toolkit is a personalized benchmarking toolkit for running end-to-end benchmark studies across an extensible set of tasks, deep learning models, standard datasets and evaluation metrics.

Getting set-up

To get started, use the following commands to set-up your conda environment.

git clone
cd ludwig-benchmarking-toolkit
conda env create -f environments/{environment-osx.yaml, environment-linux.yaml}
conda activate lbt

Relevant files and directories

experiment-templates/task_template.yaml: Every task (i.e. text classification) will have its owns task template. The template specifies the model architecture (encoder and decoder structure), training parameters, and a hyperopt configuration for the task at hand. A large majority of the values of the template will be populated by the values in the hyperopt_config.yaml file and dataset_metadata.yaml at training time. The sample task template located in experiment-templates/task_template.yaml is for text classification. See sample-task-templates/ for other examples.

experiment-templates/hyperopt_config.yaml: provides a range of values for training parameters and hyperopt params that will populate the hyperopt configuration in the model template

experiment-templates/dataset_metadata.yaml: contains list of all available datasets (and associated metadata) that the hyperparameter optimization can be performed over.

model-configs/: contains all encoder specific yaml files. Each files specifies possible values for relevant encoder parameters that will be optimized over. Each file in this directory adheres to the naming convention {encoder_name}_hyperopt.yaml

hyperopt-experiment-configs/: houses all experiment configs built from the templates specified above (note: this folder will be populated at run-time) and will be used when the hyperopt experiment is called. At a high level, each config file specifies the training and hyperopt information for a (task, dataset, architecture) combination. An example might be (text classification, SST2, BERT)

elasticsearch_config.yaml : this is an optional file that is to be defined if an experiment data will be saved to an elastic database.


Command-Line Usage

Running your first TOY experiment:

For testing/setup purposes we have included a toy dataset called toy_agnews. This dataset contains a small set of training, test and validation samples from the original agnews dataset.

Before running a full-scale experiment, we recommend running an experiment locally on the toy dataset:

python --run_environment local --datasets toy_agnews --custom_models_list rnn

Running your first REAL experiment:

Steps for configuring + running an experiment:

  1. Declare and configure the search space of all non-model specific training and preprocessing hyperparameters in the experiment-templates/hyperopt_config.yaml file. The parameters specified in this file will be used across all model experiments.

  2. Declare and configure the search space of model specific hyperparameters in the {encoder}_hyperopt.yaml files in ./model_configs


    • for both (1) and (2) see the Ludwig Hyperparamter Optimization guide to see what parameters for training, preprocessing, and input/ouput features can be used in the hyperopt search
    • if the exectuor type is Ray the list of available search spaces and input format differs slightly than the built-in ludwig types. Please see the Ray Tune search space docs for more information.
  3. Run the following command specifying the datasets, encoders, path to elastic DB index config file, run environment and more:

        python \
            --run_environment {local, gcp}
               --resume_existing_exp bool 

NOTE: Please use python -h to see list of available datasets, encoders and args

API Usage

It is also possible to run, customize and experiments using LBTs APIs. In the following section, we describe the three flavors of APIs included in LBT.

experiment API

This API provides an alternative method for running experiments. Note that runnin experiments via the API still requires populating the aforemented configuration files

from lbt.experiments import experiment

    models = ['rnn', 'bert'],
    datasets = ['agnews'],
    run_environment = "local",
    elastic_search_config = None,
    resume_existing_exp = False,

tools API

This API provides access to two tooling integrations (TextAttack and Robustness Gym (RG)). The TextAttack API can be used to generate adversarial attacks. Moreover, users can use the TextAttack interface to augment data files. The RG API which empowers users to inspect model performance on a set of generic, pre-built slices and to add more slices for their specific datasets and use cases.

from import RG 
from import attack, augment

# Robustness Gym API Usage
RG( dataset_name="AGNews",
    models=["bert", "rnn"],
    subpopulations=[ "entities", "positive_words", "negative_words"]))

# TextAttack API Usage
attack(dataset_name="AGNews", path_to_model="agnews/model/rnn_model",
    path_to_dataset="agnews.csv", attack_recipe=["CharSwapAugmenter"])

augment(dataset_name="AGNews", transformations_per_example=1
   path_to_dataset="agnews.csv", augmenter=["WordNetAugmenter"])

visualizations API

This API provides out-of-the-box support for visualizations for learning behavior, model performance, and hyperparameter optimization using the training and evaluation statistics generated during model training

import lbt.visualizations

# compare model performance

# compare training and validation trajectory

# visualize hyperoptimzation search


Adding new custom datasets

Adding custom dataset requires creating a new LBTDataset class and adding it to the dataset registry. Creating an LBTDataset object requires implementing three class methods: download, process and load. Please see the the ToyAGNews dataset as an example.

Adding new metrics

Adding custom evaluation metrics requires creating a new LBTMetric class and adding it to the metrics registry. Creating an LBTMetric object requires implementing the run class method which takes as potential inputs a path to a model directory, path to a dataset, training batch size, and training statistics. Please see the pre-built LBT metrics for examples.


To get credentials to upload experiments to the shared Elasticsearch research database, please fill out this form.

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