Practical-statistics-for-data-scientists - Code repository for O'Reilly book


Code repository

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists:

50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python

by Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce, and Peter Gedeck


View the notebooks online: nbviewer

Excecute the notebooks in Binder: Binder

This can take some time if the binder environment needs to be rebuilt.

Other language versions

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python
2020: ISBN 149207294X
Google books, Amazon
データサイエンスのための統計学入門 第2版 ―予測、分類、統計モデリング、統計的機械学習とR/Pythonプログラミング
2020: ISBN 487311926X, Shinya Ohashi (supervised), Toshiaki Kurokawa (translated)
Google books, Amazon
Praktische Statistik für Data Scientists: 50+ essenzielle Konzepte mit R und Python 
2021: ISBN 3960091532, Marcus Fraaß (Übersetzer)
Google books, Amazon
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 데이터 과학을 위한 통계(2판) 2021: ISBN 9791162244180, Junyong Lee (translation)
Google books, Hanbit media
Statystyka praktyczna w data science. 50 kluczowych zagadnien w jezykach R i Python 2021: ISBN 9788328374270
Google books, Amazon, Helion

See also

Setup R and Python environments


Run the following commands in R to install all required packages

if (!require(vioplot)) install.packages('vioplot')
if (!require(corrplot)) install.packages('corrplot')
if (!require(gmodels)) install.packages('gmodels')
if (!require(matrixStats)) install.packages('matrixStats')

if (!require(lmPerm)) install.packages('lmPerm')
if (!require(pwr)) install.packages('pwr')

if (!require(FNN)) install.packages('FNN')
if (!require(klaR)) install.packages('klaR')
if (!require(DMwR)) install.packages('DMwR')

if (!require(xgboost)) install.packages('xgboost')

if (!require(ellipse)) install.packages('ellipse')
if (!require(mclust)) install.packages('mclust')
if (!require(ca)) install.packages('ca')


We recommend to use a conda environment to run the Python code.

conda create -n sfds python
conda activate sfds
conda env update -n sfds -f environment.yml
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