Official repository for MixFaceNets: Extremely Efficient Face Recognition Networks



This is the official repository of the paper: MixFaceNets: Extremely Efficient Face Recognition Networks.

(Accepted in IJCB2021)

Paper Arxiv

Model MFLOPs Params (M) LFW% AgeDB-30% IJB-B( TAR at FAR1eā€“6) IJB-C( TAR at FAR1eā€“6) Pretrained model
MixFaceNet-M 626.1 3.95 99.68 97.05 91.55 93.42 pretrained-mode
ShuffleMixFaceNet-M 626.1 3.95 99.60 96.98 91.47 93.5 pretrained-mode
MixFaceNet-S 451.7 3.07 99.60 96.63 90.17 92.30 pretrained-mode
ShuffleMixFaceNet-S 451.7 3.07 99.58 97.05 90.94 93.08 pretrained-mode
MixFaceNet-XS 161.9 1.04 99.60 95.85 88.48 90.73 pretrained-mode
ShuffleMixFaceNet-XS 161.9 1.04 99.53 95.62 87.86 90.43 pretrained-mode

FLOPs vs. performance on LFW (accuracy), AgeDB-30 (accuracy), MegaFace (TAR at FAR1e-6), IJB-B (TAR at FAR1e-4), IJB-C (TAR at FAR1e-4) and refined version of MegaFace, noted as MegaFace (R), (TAR at FAR1e-6). Our MixFaceNet models are highlighted with triangle marker and red edge color.


AgeDb-30 LFW

MegaFace LFW

MegaFace(R) LFW



If you find MixFaceNets useful in your research, please cite the following paper:


  author={Boutros, Fadi and Damer, Naser and Fang, Meiling and Kirchbuchner, Florian and Kuijper, Arjan},
  booktitle={2021 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB)}, 
  title={MixFaceNets: Extremely Efficient Face Recognition Networks}, 

The model is trained with ArcFace loss using Partial-FC algorithms. If you train the MixfaceNets with ArcFace and Partial-FC, please follow their distribution licenses.


  title={Arcface: Additive angular margin loss for deep face recognition},
  author={Deng, Jiankang and Guo, Jia and Xue, Niannan and Zafeiriou, Stefanos},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  title={Partial FC: Training 10 Million Identities on a Single Machine},
  author={An, Xiang and Zhu, Xuhan and Xiao, Yang and Wu, Lan and Zhang, Ming and Gao, Yuan and Qin, Bin and
  Zhang, Debing and Fu Ying},
  booktitle={Arxiv 2010.05222},
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